Women Plus Water Conversations, a series hosted by the Global Institute for Water Security and the College of Arts and Science at the University of Saskatchewan, will occur monthly from January to April. The series will showcase research, support young professionals and provide a space for dialogue and networking. Additionally, it will explore water-related challenges, roles of women in water, gendered water-related impacts, and challenges and opportunities facing women in water research. Women Plus Water is an inclusive community and all are welcome to attend.

2025 Schedule

Women Plus Water Conversations 2025 Schedule
All times are in Central Standard Time (UTC-6)
Date & Time Topic
January 23
12:30 - 1:30 pm
The Water-Climate Crisis in Small Island States


Watch (En)

Watch (Fr)

February 11
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Inclusive Fieldwork

In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Feb. 11)


Watch (En)

Watch (Fr)

March 20
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Water Towers: Mountains and Glaciers

In celebration of World Water Day (Mar. 22)



April 10
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Art-Climate Nexus



2025 Recordings (English and French)







Past Conversations (English)

Women Plus Water Lecture Series 2024

UN SDG 6: Women and the Water SDG

Host Dr. Ginette Azcona talks with guests Dr. Sherry Pictou and Professor Joyashree Roy about their perspectives on the challenges and progress towards achieving the UN SDG 6: ensure access to water and sanitation for all. The conversation includes perspectives from Indigenous communities in Canada and internationally, as well as from the Global South.


Water as a Key Ingredient for Women and Girls Nutrition

In honour of the United Nations International Day for Women and Girls in Science (February 11), a conversation about the role that water and climate change play in ensuring adequate nutrition for women and girls. Dr. Eunice Salubi hosts a conversation with Professor Gordon Zello and Melissa D. Ho on the topic which will include perspectives both locally in Canada, as well as internationally.

Leveraging Water for Peace

In honour of World Water Day (March 22), host Dr. Isabela Battistello Espindola and guests Commissioner Adriana Reséndez Maldonado and Dr. Zodwa Dlamini have a conversation on water diplomacy and management around the world.


Protect our Species

To celebrate Earth Day (April 22), Dr. Cherie Westbrook, Janet Sumner, and Ines Sanchez Rodriquez discuss why it is important to view ecosystems as a whole and how that relates to water.

Special 2024 Panel: Pathways to Diverse Leadership

Women Plus Water Lecture Series 2023

Water Diplomacy Navigating the Space Between Common Goals and Competing Visions

Dr. Kelsey Leonard hosts a panel discussion on water diplomacy from the perspective of Indigenous Waters, social and environmental innovation, and water governance. Guests Dr. Margot Hulbert, Fooman Forough, Elizabeth Koch & Merrell-Anne Phare share their expertise and insights on the topic. For more information on the topic, check out the Water Diplomacy Global Network’s recent global strategy on ' A Path Forward for Women, Water, Peace and Security'.


Women Water Networks Catalysts for Change

Host Dr. Leila Eamen and guests Dr. Li Li, Dr. Ellen Wohl, and Jennifer Mandeville have a panel discussion on “Women Water Networks” as a catalyst for change. This event is in honour of the United Nations International Day for Women and Girls in Science.

Flood Warnings and Maps Water Models and Tools in Practice

Join host Dr. Chandra Rajulapati as she talks with guests Dr. Monireh Faramarzi and Dr. Tricia Stadnyk about the practical applications of modelling. Topics will include the impacts of climate change on water supply-demand from an agricultural and economic perspective and the use of artificial intelligence for flood risk and resilience.


The Climate Crisis is a Water Crisis

In honour of World Water Day (March 22, 2023), Women Plus Water is excited to host a conversation on the climate and water crisis. Host Dr. Inonge Milupi and guests Dr. Martina Angela Caretta and Dr. Tahseen Jafry will provide perspectives on climate justice, gender, poverty, environmental degradation, and the 2022 IPCC Assessment on Water.

Civil Society Action for Sustainable Water Futures

Dr. Louise Arnal hosts a conversation on Civil Society Action for Sustainable Water Futures with guests Anita Collins, Makaśa Looking Horse, and Hailey Krolyk. The conversation includes perspectives on Indigenous leadership, activism, and applied conservation research. For more information on how the guests are taking their own action to raise awareness about our water futures, check out these links:

Women + Water Lecture Series 2022

Transborder Collaboration
Women and High Mountain Water


Innovation in Watershed Management
Towards Better Engagements Between Upstream and Downstream Voices

Women, Water and Food Security


Making the Invisible Visible
Chemical Exposure and Groundwater

Women in Science for Water and Society


In Between Worlds
Navigating the Globe as a Deaf Scientist in a Hearing World

The Environment & History Colliding
The Case of Legacy Gold Mine Tailings in Nova Scotia Canada

We're sorry, but due to technical difficulties, we are unable to provide a recording of Lecture 4 - Women and Rural Water Security Around the World, featuring Gervin Apatinga, Corinne Schuster-Wallace, and Andrea Rowe.

Women + Water Lecture Series 2021

Water Policy


Sustainable Ecosystems

Valuing Water


Women in the Field

Women and Water 2018-19

Women in Water
A Goal of Roles, Responsibilities, and Opportunities


Climate Change and Society

Ecosystem Services


Knowledge Mobilization

Snow and Ice

Past Conversations (Français)

2024 Série de conférences Women Plus Water

L’eau comme ingrédient clé pour la nutrition des femmes et des filles


Exploiter l’eau pour la paix

Protéger nos espèces


Les chemins vers un leadership diversifié

2023 Série de conférences Femmes Plus Eau

Diplomatie de l'eau Naviguer dans l'espace entre objectifs communs et visions concurrentes


Réseaux d'eau des femmes Catalyseurs du changement

Avertissements et cartes d’inondation Modèles et outils d’eau en pratique


L'eau - au cœur de la crise climatique

2022 Série de conférences Femmes Plus Eau

La Collaboration Transfrontalière
Les Femmes et L'Eau de la Haute Montagne


Innovations Dans la Gestion des Bassins
Versants vers un meilleur échange entre les voix de l'amont et de l'aval

Les Femmes et la Sécurité de L'eau en Milieu Rural Dans le Monde


La Collision de L'histoire et L'environment
Le residue de mine d'or en Nouvelle-Écosse Canada