The Women Plus Water Mentorship Circles initiative is designed to empower members of the Women Plus Water Expert List and its broader community by offering informal, online opportunities to share experiences and provide support within small group settings. These circles aim to foster mentorship networks that lighten the burden on individual mentors while creating spaces for diverse perspectives and strengths to shine.

Mentorship Circles will be facilitated by volunteers who have expressed a passion for mentorship through their Women Plus Water Expert profiles. Supported by the Women Plus Water team, these circles will center on specific water expertise topics (see the Women Plus Water Expert List by Expertise) to enable focused and meaningful conversations. Participation is voluntary and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

All Mentorship Circle events will uphold the Women Plus Water Principles and adhere to the Women Plus Water Code of Conduct. These safe spaces will ensure respectful and inclusive interactions, reflecting the values of the Women Plus Water community.

Mentorship Circle Request Form

Interested in facilitating a Mentorship Circle? Submit your proposal using our Mentorship Circle Request Form. Details on planning and executing the event, as well as the supports offered by Women Plus Water, are outlined below.

Mentorship Circle Request Form

The Women Plus Water team is committed to fostering diversity across topics, facilitators, and scheduling. We look forward to working with you to bring your mentorship vision to life!

Planning a Mentorship Circle


Planning a Mentorship Circle is simple and collaborative, allowing facilitators to shape the event around their expertise and goals. Before submitting a request, consider the following details:

  • Who will be facilitating the event? At least two facilitators will need to be a Women Plus Water Expert.
  • What water theme will the event be focused on? Please review the list of water expertise here.
  • How will you run the event? Will it be an open discussion with everyone, or do you plan to host breakout sessions?
  • When would you like to host the event?
  • Are there any accessibility supports you are willing and able to offer (e.g. language interpretation)? Please note that costs for such supports will be borne by the facilitators, and not by Women Plus Water)

Once you have your event planned, submit a request to facilitate a Mentorship Circle!

Request Approval


The Women Plus Water team will review all submitted requests and will ensure the following requirements are adhered to:

Once reviewed, the Women Plus Water team will contact the facilitators by email to inform them of the decision. The Women Plus Water team will strive for diversity concerning topics, facilitators, and timing. We commit to working with you to achieve your vision.

Carrying out a Mentorship Circle


Once you receive approval from Women Plus Water, here is what you can expect for support from Women Plus Water and what responsibilities are expected of the facilitators.

Women Plus Water will support the following tasks:

  • Set up a Zoom meeting link (with breakout rooms enabled, if applicable) and share co-host links with the event facilitators via email.
  • Develop a registration form and provide the facilitators with a link to the form.
  • Create a poster for the event facilitators.
  • Advertise for the event through the Women Plus Water mailing list and social media accounts (LinkedIn, Instagram, BlueSky).
  • Set up a debrief meeting with the facilitators within two weeks of the event.

The event facilitators responsibilities include:

  • Approve the event poster in a timely manner.
  • Prepare for the event.
  • Ensure the internet connection is sufficient to maintain your role as facilitator - use the Zoom Network Connectivity Tool.
  • Join the Zoom meeting at least 15 minutes early to go through a technical check (audio, video, share screen, breakout rooms, etc.).
  • Ensure that the event is a positive space, including holding people accountable to the Women Plus Water Code of Conduct.
  • Participate in a debrief meeting with Women Plus Water within two weeks of the event.



The Women Plus Water team will meet with the facilitators within two weeks of the event to discuss the following:

  • Facilitators will provide a short summary of the event.
  • Women Plus Water team will give an attendance summary.
  • All individuals will have the chance to discuss future suggestions.