Women Plus Water

ORCID Organizational Website 


"I am a public health professional and researcher focused on water-related oral health initiatives."

"My lived experience in Brazil, a country with diverse water challenges, has shaped my expertise in water quality, particularly in monitoring fluoride levels in public water supplies to ensure effective and equitable oral health prevention strategies."

"I am committed to using my expertise to promote equitable access to safe, preventive oral health solutions."

Water Experience

I hold a PhD in Public Health and have experience and interest in public health and oral health surveillance. My work includes researching fluoride monitoring in public water supplies, a critical tool for dental caries prevention. I have hands-on experience analyzing fluoride levels in public water systems, contributing to evidence-based policies that ensure optimal fluoride concentrations for community health. My research also emphasizes equity by promoting access to preventive oral health measures, particularly for underserved populations, fostering healthier communities through sustainable water management.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Research (e.g., academic, not-for-profit, government)

Opportunities Offered

  • Graduate student training (e.g., masters, PhD)
  • Mentorship Short-term (e.g., attend a mentorship circle or event; 1-3 meetings with an individual)
  • Mentorship Long-term (e.g., regular attendance at mentorship circles, frequent meetings 6+ months)
  • Research assistant
  • Postdoc opportunities
  • Student internships
  • Visiting Professorships
Country: Canada
Languages: English
Sectors: Academia, Education
Primary Water Expertise: Health
Young Professional (First 5 years of your career)