Women Plus Water



"I am a life-long water professional with teaching, research, leadership, and UN experience, who believes in positivity and thriving for a liveable word with sustainable development."

"My lived experience in the water sector (local, national, regional, global) is the decline in the water sector in terms of uneven distribution, more water pollution, fighting for resources, poor leadership approaches, and non-inclusiveness (gender inequity, etc.)"

"I am committed to contribute in research, capacity building, good governance, gender mainstreaming, and climate change adaptation."

Water Experience

I have 44 years of experience/service in the water sector. I started as a university teacher teaching Hydraulics, Hydrology, Water Resources Management, and topographic surveying, etc. Next level is Ph.D study in the Netherlands specialised in simulation modeling and hydroinformatics (1989-1994). In 2000 I was involved in water and gender issues deeply and elected as a steering committee member of GWA ( Gender and Water Alliance). At UNEP I was able to include gender issues in Dams and Development work. At UNESCO I was able to address gender perspectives in our daily work and represented UNESCO at the Intergovernmental Group of Mainstreaming Gender. From 2012 to 2016 I undertook the duty of GWP steering committee member and was deeply involved in drafting of GWP gender strategy led by the Acting Chair Drs. Alice Bounman- Dentener and the Chair Mrs. Ursula Schaefer. At present, I continue promoting Gender mainstreaming in Myanmar Water Partnership (part of GWP), Myanmar Water Academy/ Think Tank, Ecocivilisation Wing Myanmar and Young Water Professional Programme.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Speaking engagements (e.g., conference panels, keynote addresses)
  • Leadership roles (e.g., board member, committees)
  • Research (e.g., academic, not-for-profit, government)

Opportunities Offered

  • Research assistant
  • Student internships
  • Visiting Professorships
Country: Myanmar
Languages: English
Sectors: Academia, Education, Freelance, NGO, Private Sector, Think Tank
Primary Water Expertise: Advocacy, Agriculture, Anthropology, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Cultural Dimensions, Ecology, Energy, Hydrology, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), Indigenous Knowledge, Policy and Governance, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH)