Women Plus Water

Organizational Website 


"I am involved in different spaces in the water and environment sector in Uganda that are pushing for gender effective and efficient approaches, policies, strategies and laws."

"My lived experience: I grew up fetching water - walking long distances to access relatively clean and safe water. I know what it means for women to lack water."

"I am committed to promoting gender diversity, equity and inclusivity in the water and environment sector."

Water Experience

I have worked in the Water and Environment sector for 17 years, starting with the Nile Basin Initiative in 2006 as the National Coordinator for the Confidence Building and Stakeholders Initiative in Uganda. From December 2009 to November 2014, I served as the Country Coordinator of IRC’s Sustainable Services at Scale (Triple-S) initiative in Uganda. In July 2013, I was appointed the Country Director for IRC Uganda. I hold a Master’s Degree in Public Health Leadership from the Uganda Christian University (2015), a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Management from the University of London (2006), a Master’s Degree in Communication from Daystar University in Nairobi Kenya and a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts from Makerere University, Uganda. I am a WASH Systems Nerd and seek to promote and support national and decentralised WASH Systems strengthening as a practical approach to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 6 on Universal provision of water and sanitation services, and in ensuring and promoting justice, fairness, inclusivity, diversity and equity.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Speaking engagements (e.g., conference panels, keynote addresses)
  • Leadership roles (e.g., board member, committees)
  • Public outreach (e.g., media interviews, podcasts)
  • Volunteer opportunities (e.g., community based projects)
  • Research (e.g., academic, not-for-profit, government)
  • Being a Mentor

Opportunities Offered

  • Fieldwork
  • Graduate student training (e.g., masters, PhD)
  • Mentorship Short-term (e.g., attend a mentorship circle or event; 1-3 meetings with an individual)
  • Research assistant
  • Postdoc opportunities
  • Student internships
Country: Uganda
Languages: English
Sectors: NGO
Primary Water Expertise: Advocacy, Community Engagement, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), Policy and Governance, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH)