Early Career

NSF project team, late 1990s
Daily lab coffee, OSU early 2010s
Teaching at Plynlimon Wales with Ilja van Meerveld and Jan Seibert, 2020s
CUAHSI Workshop at OSU, early 2010s
Chris Soulsby and Dorethe Tetzlaff, late 2010s
Kyoto University workshop, late 2010s
Wolf Creek, Yukon with Jim Buttle, early 2010s
In the field with Laurent Pfister, Luxembourg 2017
Book signing event with Carol Kendall, 1997
Field trip to Coweeta, 2013
Meeting at NHRI in Nanjing, late 2000s
Field Work
HJ Andrews, circa 2006
Creative gauging, Postdoc Markus Weiler, 2002
Best field vehicle, ever! With Luke Pangle, PhD student, late 2000s
Annual AGU Monday nights at the Edinburg Castle, a 20-year tradition
Keith Beven’s Horton Medal
Gordon Grant AGU Fellow
Doerthe Tetzlaff AGU Fellow
PhD Graduations, early 2000s OSU
Water Music
The three coolest instruments: banjo (Gordon Grant), accordion (Jeff) and concertina (Jim Kirchner)
Playing a PhD celebration party in Sweden: Allan Rodhe (violin), Petra Seibert (flute), Jan Seibert (guitar), Jeff (accordion)
The Rockin’ Chairs (early 2000s) playing an OSU College of Forestry event
The Rockin’ Chairs Music Video