Jeff McDonnell's Google Scholar Profile
Mentoring Works
McDonnell, J.J., 2024. The ebbs and flows of creativity. Science, 383(6688): |
McDonnell, J.J., 2022. Sharpening your Research Skills: 17 Suggestions for Young Scholars (in Chinese). University of Science and Technology Press/Wiley (translation of McDonnell, J.J, 2020. Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD students, postdocs and early career faculty. ISBN: 1119642108). |
McDonnell, J.J., 2020. Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD Students, Postdocs and New Faculty. Wiley/AGU, 96p. |
McDonnell, J.J., 2019. Step up to leadership for mid-career growth . Nature, DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-01936-7. |
Stein, S., J.J. McDonnell and M Miller, 2018. Discussing scientific ethics: what would you do?. Astronomy and Geophysics, 59(4):4.12, |
McDonnell, J.J., 2017. The sustainable scientist. Science, 357 (6356): 1202. DOI: 10.1126/science.357.6356.1202. |
McDonnell, J.J., 2017. Paper writing gone Hollywood. Science, 355(6320): 102-102, DOI: 10.1126/science.355.6320.102. |
Steelman, T. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Look for the leaders. Nature, 547(483), DOI:10.1038/nj7664-483a. |
McDonnell, J.J., 2016. The 1-hour workday. Science, 353(6300):718-718, DOI: 10.1126/science.353.6300.718. |
McDonnell, J.J., 2016. Orchestrating a powerful group. Science, 352(6283): 378-378, DOI: 10.1126/science.352.6283.378. |
McDonnell, J.J., 2015. Creating a research brand, Science, 349 (6249): 758, DOI: 10.1126/science.349.6249.758. |

Publications by Year
McDonnell, J. J., K. Beven, U. Morgenstern, and L. Pfister. 2024. The first catchment water balance: new insights into Pierre Perrault, his perceptual model and his peculiar catchment. Hydrological Science Journal,
Nan, Y., C. Chen, Y. Zhao, F. Tian, and J. J. McDonnell. 2024. A historical overview of experimental hydrology in China. Hydrological Processes,
Wang, H., H. Yu, D. He, M. Li, B. Si, J. J. McDonnell, M. F. Nehemy. 2024. Cryogenic vacuum distillation vs cabitron methods in ecohydrology: Extraction protocal effects on plant water isotopic values. Journal of Hydrology,
Ferguson, G., J. C. McIntosh, S. Jasechko, J. Kim, J. S. Famiglietti, & J. J. McDonnell, 2023. Groundwater deeper than 500 m contributes less than 0.1% of global river discharge. Nature, Communications Earth & Envi, DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-00697-6.
Li, H., H. Li, Q. Wu, B. Si, E. G. Jobbágy, J. J. McDonnell, 2023. Afforestation triggers water mining and a single pulse of water for carbon trade-off in deep soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108655.
McDonnell, J. J., 2023. Wei-Zu Gu and the remarkable rise of hydrological process research in China. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14896.
McDowell, N. G., K. Anderson-Teixeira, J. A. Biederman, D. D. Breshears, Y. Fang, L. Fernández-de-Uña, E. B. Graham, D. S. Mackay, J. J. McDonnell, G. W. Moore, M. F. Nehemy, C. S. Stevens Rumann, J. Stegen, N. Taque, M. G. Turner, & X. Chen, 2023. Ecohydrological decoupling under changing disturbances and climate. One Earth, DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.02.007.
Sohel, Md. S., J. Herbohn, M. F. Nehemy, & J. J. McDonnell, 2023. Differences between stem and branch xylem water isotope composition in four tropical tree species. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.2547.
Nasta, P., D. Todini-Zicavo, G. Zuecco, C. Marchina, D. Penna, J. J. McDonnell, A. Amin, C. Allocca, F. Marzaioli, L. Stellato, M. Borga, N. Romano, 2023. Quantifying irrigation uptake in olive trees: a proof-of-concept approach combining isotope tracing and Hydrus-1D. Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/0262667.2023.2218552.
Nehemy, M. F., Z. Pierrat, J. Maillet, A. D. Richardson, J. Stutz, B. Johnson, W. Helgason, A. G. Barr, C. P. Laroque, J. J. McDonnell, 2023. Phenological assessment of transpiration: The stem-temp approach for determining start and end of season. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, DOI: 10.1016/j.afrformet.2023.109319.
Peskett, L. M., K. V. Heal, A. M. MacDonald, A. R. Black, J. J. McDonnell, 2023. Land cover influence on catchment scale subsurface water storage investigated by multiple methods: Implication for UK natural flood management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101398.
Wang, H., H. Li, W. Xiang, Y. Lu, H. Wang, W. Hu, B. Si, S. Jasechko, J. J. McDonnell, 2023. A 1000-year record of temperature from isotopic analysis of the deep critical zone in Central China. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2022GL101054.
Yang, C., R. Maxwell, J. J. McDonnell, X. Yang, D. Tijerina-Kreuzer, 2023. The role of topography in controlling evapotranspiration age. JGR Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2023JD039228.
Asadollahi, M., M. F. Nehemy, J. J. McDonnell, A. Rinaldo, and P. Benettin, 2022. Toward a closure of catchment mass balance: Insight on the missing link from a vegetated lysimeter. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2021WR033698.
Barua, S., I. Cartwright, P. E. Dresel, U. Morgenstern, J. J. McDonnell, and E. Daly, 2022. Source and mean transit times of intermittent streamflow in semi-arid headwater catchments. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127208.
Benettin, P., N. B. Rodriquez, M. Sprenger, M. Kim, J. Klaus, C. J. Harman, Y. van der Velde, M. Hrachowitz, G. Botter, K. J. McGuire, J. W. Kirchner, A. Rinaldo, and J. J. McDonnell, 2022. Transit time estimation in catchements: Recent developments and future directions. Water Resources Research, DOI: 101029/2022WR033096.
Fenicia, F., and J. J. McDonnell, 2022. Modeling streamflow variability at the regional scale: (1) perceptual model development through signature analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127287, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127287.
Fenicia, F., D. Meißner, and J. J. McDonnell, 2022. Modeling streamflow variability at the regional scale: (2) Development of bespoke distributed conceptual model. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127286, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127286.
Millar, C., K. Janzen, M. F. Nehemy, G. Koehler, Pedro Hervé-Fernández, H. Wang, N. Orlowski, A. Barbeta, J. J. McDonnell, 2022. On the urgent need for standardization in isotope-based ecohydrological investigations. Hydrological Procesess, Scientific Briefing, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14698.
Nehemy, M. F., P. Benettin, S. T. Allen, K. Steppe, A. Rinaldo, M. M. Lehmann, and J. J. McDonnell, 2022. Phloem water isotopically different to xylem water: Potential causes and implications for ecohydrological tracing. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.2417.
Nehemy, M. F., J. Maillet, N. Perron, C. Pappas, O. Sonnentag, J. L. Baltzer, C. P. Laroque, and J. J. McDonnell, 2022. Snowmelt water use at transpriration onset: Phenology, isotope tracing and tree water transit time. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1029/2022WR032344.
Spencer, C. J., S. L. Barbour, J. J. McDonnell, and J. J. Gibson, 2022. Using stable isotopes to track hydrological processes at an oil sands mine, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 40, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101032.
Amin, A., G. Zuecco, C. Marchina, M. Engle, D. Penna and J. J. McDonnell, 2021. No evidence of isotopic fractionation in olive trees (Olea europaea): a stable isotope tracing experiment. Hydrological Science Journal, 66:16, 2415-2430, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1987440.
Aulenbach, B. T, R. P. Hooper, H. J. van Meerveld, D. A. Burns, J. E. Freer, J. B. Shanley, T. G. Huntington, J. J. McDonnell, and N. E. Peters, 2021. The evolving perceptual model of streamflow generation at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14127.
Benettin, P., M. F. Nehemy, M. Asadollahi, D. Pratt, M. Bensimon, J. J. McDonnell, and A. Rinaldo, 2021. Tracing and closing the water balance in a vegetated lysimeter. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR029049.
Benettin, P., M. F. Nehemy, L. A. Cernusak, A. Kahmen, and J. J. McDonnell, 2021. On the use of leaf water to determine plant water sources: a proof of concept. Hydrologic Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14073.
DeBeer, C. M., H. S. Wheater, J. W. Pomeroy, A. G. Barr, J. L. Baltzer, J. F. Johnstone, M. R. Turetsky, R. E. Stewart, M. Hayashi, G. van der Kamp, S. Marshall, E. Campbell, P. Marsh, S. K. Carey, W. L. Quinton, Y. Li, S. Razavi, A. Berg, J. J. McDonnell, C. Spence, W. D. Helgason, A. M. Ireson, T. A. Black, M. Elshamy, Fuad Yassin, Bruce Davison, Allan Howard, Julie M. Thériault, Kevin Shook, Michael N. Demuth, and A. Pietroniro, 2021. Summary and synthesis of changing cold regions network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada — Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., DOI: 10.5194/hess-25-1849-2021.
Edward, C. D, and 101 co-authors (including J. J. McDonnell), 2021. Deep Trek: Mission concepts for exploring subsurface habitability & life on Mars. White Paper for the US National Acadamy of Science (NASA) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 7 pages.
Ferguson, G., J. McIntosh, O. Warr, B. Sherwood Lollar, J. Famiglietti, J. Kim, J. Michalski, J. Tarnas, and J. J. McDonnell, 2021. Crustal groundwater volumes greater than previously thought. Geophysical Review Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093549
McDonnell, J. J., C. Gabrielli, A. Ameli, J. Ekanayake, F. Fenicia, J. Freer, C. Graham, B. McGlynn, U. Morgenstern, A. Pietroniro, T. Sayama, J. Seibert, M. Stewart, k. Vache, M. Weiler, R. Woods, 2021. The Maimai M8 experimental catchment database: Forty years of process-based research on steep, wet hillslopes. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14112. Datanote.
McDonnell, J. J., C. Spence, D. J. Karran, H. J. I. van Meerveld, and C. Harman, 2021. Fill-and-spill: A process description of runoff generation at the scale of the beholder. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR027514.
Millar, C., K. Janzen, M. F. Nehemy, G. Koehler, P. Hervé-Fernández, J. J. McDonnell, 2021. Organic contamination detection for isotopic analysis of water by laser spectroscopy. Rapid Comm. in Mass Spec., DOI: 10.1002/rcm.9118.
Nehemy, M. F., P. Benettin, M. Asadollahi, D. Pratt, A. Rinaldo and J. J. McDonnell, 2021. Tree water deficit and dynamic source water partitioning. Hydrological Processes,
Peskett, L. M., K. V. Heal, A. M. MacDonald, A. R. Black, J. J. McDonnell, 2021. Tracers reveal limited influence of plantation forests on surface runoff in a UK natural flood management catchment. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100834.
Sohel, Md. S., A. Vega Grau, J. J. McDonnell, J. Herbohn, 2021. Tropical forest water source patterns revealed by stable isotopes: A preliminary analysis of 46 neighboring species. Forest Ecology and Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119355.
Vega-Grau, A. M., J. J. McDonnell, S. Schmidt, M. Annandale, J. Herbohn, 2021. Isotopic fractionation from deep roots to tall shoots: A forensic analysis of xylem water isotope composition in mature tropical savanna trees. Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148675.
Amin, A., G. Zuecco, J. Geris, L. Schwendenmann, J. J. McDonnell, M. Borga, D. Penna, 2020. Depth distribution of soil water sourced by plants at the global scale: a new direct inference approach. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.2177.
Camporese, M., C. Paniconi, M. Putti and J. J. McDonnell, 2020. Fill and spill hillslope runoff representation with a Richards equation-based model. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2019WR025726.
Condon, L., K. Markovich, C. Kelleher, J. J. McDonnell, G. Gerguson and J. McIntosh, 2020. Where is the bottom of a watershed? Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2019WR026010.
Gabrielli, C.P. and J.J. McDonnell, 2020. Modifying the Jackson index to quantify the relationship between geology, landscape structure and water transit time in steep wet headwaters. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13700.
McDonnell, J. J., 2020. The Maimai catchment, New Zealand. In Burt, T. and D. Thompson (eds). Curious About Nature: A Passion for Field Work. Cambridge University Press.
Millar, C., D. Pratt, D. Schneider, G. Koehler and J. J. McDonnell, 2020. Further experiments comparing direct vapor equilibration and cryogenic vacuum distillation for plant water stable isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8530.
Peskett, L., A. MacDonald, K. Heal, J. J. McDonnell, J. Chambers, S. Uhlemann, K. Upton, A. Black, 2020. The impact of across-slope forest strips on hillslope subsurface hydrological dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124427.
Schöne, B. R., Meret, A. E., Baier, S. M., Fiebig, J., Esper, J. J., McDonnell, J., and L. Pfister, 2020. Freshwater pearl mussels from northern Sweden serve as long-term, high-resolution stream water isotope recorders. Hydrology and Earth System Science, DOI: 10.5194/hess-24-673-2020.
Stamenković, V., K. Lynch, P. Boston, J. Tarnas (plus J. J. McDonnell and 98 others), 2020. Deep Treck: Science of subsurface habitability and live on Mars: A window into subsurface life in the Solar System. White Paper for the US National Academy of Science (NAS), 7 pages.
Benettin, P., P. Queloz, M. Bensimon, J.J. McDonnell and A. Rinaldo, 2019. Velocities, residence times, tracer breakthroughs in a vegetated lysimeter: a multitracer experiment. Water Resources Research, 55(1): 21-23, DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023894.
Blöschl, G., M. Bierkens, A. Chambel, C. Cudennec, G. Destouni, A. Fiori, J. Kirchner, J.J. McDonnell, H. Savenije, M. Sivapalan, C. Stumpp, E. Toth, E. Volpi, G. Carr, J. Salinas, B. Széles, A. Viglione and 200 others, 2019. Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1620507.
Coles, A.E., J.J. McDonnell and B. McConkey, 2019. Fifty years of recorded hillslope runoff on seasonally-frozen ground: The Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada dataset. Earth System Science Data, in press. DOI: 10.5194/essd-2018-126.
Evaristo, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. Global analysis of streamflow response to forest management. Nature, 570(7762): 455–461, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1306-0 (retracted Feb 2020 in issue 578:326, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-1945-1).
Evaristo, J., M. Kim, J. van Haren, L. Pangle, C. Harman, P. Troch and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. Characterizing the fluxes and age distribution of soil water, plant water, and deep percolation in a model tropical ecosystem. Water Resources Research, 55(4): 3307-3327. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023265.
Fan, Y, M. Clark, D. Lawrence, S. Swenson, L. Band, S. Brantley, P. Brooks, W.E. Dietrich, A. Flores, G. Grant, J. Kirchner, D. Mackay, J.J. McDonnell, P. Milly, P. Sullivan, C. Tague, H. Ajami, N. Chaney, A. Hartmann, P. Hazenberg, J. McNamara, J. Pelletier, J Perket, E. Rouholahnejad-Freund, T. Wagener, X. Zeng, E. Beighley, J. Buzan, M Huang, B. Livneh, B. Mohanty, B. Nijssen, M. Safeeq, C. Shen, W. van Verseveld, J. Volk and D Yamazaki, 2019. Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System ModelingHillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling. Water Resources Research, 55(2): 1737-1772. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023903.Gabrielli, C.P. and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. Critical contrasts in the critical zone: A simple index to quantify the relationship between geology, landscape structure and water transit time. Hydrological Processes, in review
Gaj, M. and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. Possible soil tension controls on the isotopic equilibrium fractionation factor for evaporation from soil. Hydrological Processes, 33(11): 1629-1634. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13418.
Gaj, M., A. Lamparter, S. Woche, J. Bachmann, J.J. McDonnell and F. Stange, 2018. The role of matric potential, solid interfacial chemistry and wettability on isotopic equilibrium fractionation. Vadose Zone Journal, DOI:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0083.
Lazo, P., G. Mosquera, J.J. McDonnell and P. Crespo, 2019. The role of vegetation, soils, and precipitation on water storage and hydrological services in Andean Páramo catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 572: 805-819. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.050.
López-Días, V., Hoang, H.Q., N. Martínez-Carreras, F. Barnich, T.Wirtz, J.J. McDonnell and L. Pfister, 2019. The use of Nafion membranes to measure 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotopic ratios in water. Journal of Membrane Science, 752(128-139), DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2018.11.003.
McDonnell, J.J., 2019. Step up to leadership for mid-career growth. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-01936-7.
Nehemy, M., C. Millar, K. Janzen, M. Gaj, D. Pratt, C. Laroque and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. 17O- excess as a detector for co-extracted organics in vapor analyses of plant isotope signatures. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8470.
Pfister, L., C. Grave, J. Beisel and J.J. McDonnell, 2019. A global assessment of freshwater mollusk shell oxygen isotope signatures and their relation to precipitation and stream water. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article number: 4312 (2019), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40369-0.
Sprenger , C. Stumpp, S. Allen, P. Benettin, M. Dubbert, A. Hartmann, M. Hrachowitz, J. Kirchner, J.J. McDonnell, N. Orlowski, D. Penna, S. Pfahl, M. Rinderer, N. Rodriguez, C. Wernerand M Weiler, 2019. The demographics of water: A review of water ages in the critical zone. Reviews of Geophysics, in press. DOI: 10.1029/2018RG000633.2018
Ameli, A.A., C. Gabrielli, U. Mortgenstern and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. Groundwater Subsidy From Headwaters to Their Parent Water Watershed: A Combined Field-Modeling Approach. Water Resources Research, 54, DOI: 10.1029/2017WR022356.
Bartlett, M.S., A.J. Parolari, J.J. McDonnell and A. Porporato, 2018. Framework for event-based semidistributed modeling that unifies the SCS-CN method, VIC, PDM, and TOPMODEL. Water Resources Research, 52(9): 7036-7051, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019084.
Caldwell, P., R. Jackson, C. Miniat, S. Younger, J. Vining, J.J. McDonnell and D. Aubrey, 2018. Woody bioenergy crop selection can have large effects on water yield: A southeastern United States case study. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 117: 180-189, DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.07.021.
Coles, A.E. and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. Fill and spill drives runoff connectivity over frozen ground. Journal of Hydrology, 558:115-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.01.016.
Gabrielli, C.P. and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. No direct linkage between event based runoff and groundwater recharge on the Maimai hillslope. Water Resources Research, 54(11): 8718-8733, DOI: 10.1029/2017WR021831.
Gabrielli C.P., J.J. McDonnell, U. Morgenstern and M. Stewart, 2018. Contrasting Groundwater and Streamflow Ages at the Maimai Watershed. Water Resources Research, 54(6): 3937-3957, DOI: 10:1029/2017WR021825.
Gaj, M., A. Lamparter, S. Woche, J. Bachmann, J.J. McDonnell and F. Stange, 2018. The role of matric potential, solid interfacial chemistry and wettability on isotopic equilibrium fractionation. Vadose Zone Journal, DOI: 10.2136/vzj2018.04.0083.
Hu, H., F. Dominguez, P. Kumar, J.J. McDonnell and D. Gochis, 2018. Numerical water tracer model for understanding event-scale hydrometeorological phenomena. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19(6):378-389, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-17-0202.1.
Li, H., B. Si, P. Wu and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. Water mining from the deep critical zone by apple trees growing on loess. Hydrological Processes, 33(2): 320–327, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13346.
López-Días, V., N. Martínez-Carreras, F. Barnich, T.Wirtz, J.J. McDonnell and L. Pfister, 2018. The use of Nafion membranes to measure 2 H/1 H and 18O/16O isotopic ratios in water. Journal of Membrane Science, 752(128-139), DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2018.11.003.
McDonnell, J.J., J. Evaristo, K. Bladon, J. Buttle, I. Creed, S. Dymond, G. Grant, A. Iroume, C.R. Jackson, J. Jones, T. Maness, K. McGuire, D. Scott, C. Segura, R. Sidle and C. Tague. 2018. Water sustainability and watershed storage. Nature-Sustainability, 1:378– 379, DOI: 10.1038/s41893-018-0099-8.
Millar, C., D. Pratt, D. Schneider and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. A comparison of extraction systems for plant water stable isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 32:1031-1044, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8136.
Orlowski, N., A. Winkler, J. J. McDonnell and L. Breuer, 2018. A simple greenhouse experiment to explore the effect of cryogenic water extraction for tracing plant source water. Ecohydrology, 11(5), DOI: 10.1002/eco.1967.
Orlowski, N., L. Breuer , N. Angeli, P. Boeckx, C. Brumbt, C. S. Cook, M. Dubbert, J. Dyckmans, B. Gallagher, B. Gralher, B. Herbstritt, P. Hervé-Fernández, C. Hissler, P. Koeniger, A. Legout, C. J. Macdonald, C. Oyarzún, R. Redelstein, C. Seidler, R. Siegwolf, C. Stumpp, S. Thomsen, C. Werner, M. Weiler and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. Inter-laboratory comparison of cryogenic water extraction systems for stable isotope analysis of soil water. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22(7):3619-3637, DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3619-2018.
Penna, D., L. Hopp, F. Scandellari, S. Allen, P. Benettin, M. Beyer, J. Geris, J. Klaus, J. Marshall, L. Schwendenmann, T. Volkmann, J. von Freyberg, A. Amin, N. Ceperley, M. Engel, J. Frentress, Y. Giambastiani, J.J. McDonnell, G. Zuecco, P. Llorens, R. Siegwolf, T. Dawson and J. Kirchner. 2018. Ideas and perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes – challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Biogeosciences, 15:6399–6415, DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-6399-2018.
Pfister, L., F. Thielen, E. Deloule, N. Valle, E. Lentzen, C. Grave, J-N. Beisel and J.J. McDonnell, 2018. Freshwater pearl mussels as a stream water stable isotope recorder. Ecohydrology, 11(7), DOI:
Spence, C., J. Wolfe, C. Whitfield, H. Baulch, N. Basu, A. Bedard-Haughn, K. Belcher, R. Clark, G. Ferguson, M. Hayashi, K. Liber, J.J. McDonnell, C. Morrissey, J. Pomeroy, M. Reed and G. Strickert, 2018. Prairie Water: A Global Water Futures project to enhance the resilience of Prairie communities through sustainable water management. Canadian Water Resources Association Journal, 44(2), 115-126, DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1527256.
Stein, S., J.J. McDonnell and M Miller, 2018. Discussing scientific ethics: what would you do?. Astronomy and Geophysics, 59(4):4.12, DOI: 10.1093/astrogeo/aty187.
Allen, S.T., R.F. Keim, H.R. Barnard, J.J. McDonnell and J.R. Brooks, 2017. The role of stable isotopes in understanding rainfall interception processes: a review. Wires Water, 4(1), DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1187.
Ameli, A.A., K. Beven, M. Erlandsson, I.F. Creed, J.J. McDonnell and K. Bishop, 2017. Primary weathering rates, water transit times, and concentration-discharge relations: A theoretical analysis for the critical zone. Water Resources Research, 53(1):942-960, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019448
Appels, W.M., A. Coles and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Infiltration into frozen soil: From core-scale dynamics to hillslope-scale connectivity. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11399.
Asbjornsen, H., R. Manson, J. Scullion, F. Holwerda, L. Muñoz-Villers, M.S. Alvarado-Barrientos, D. Geissert, T. Dawson, J.J. McDonnell and L. Bruijnzeel, 2017. Interactions between payments for hydrologic services, landowner decisions, and ecohydrological consequences: Synergies and disconnection in the cloud forest zone of central veracruz, mexico. Ecology and Society, 22(2), DOI: 10.5751/ES-09144-220225.
Bartlett, M.S., A.J. Parolari, J.J. McDonnell and A. Porporato, 2017. Reply to comment by Fred L. Ogden et al. on "Beyond the SCS-CN method: A theoretical framework for spatially lumped rainfall-runoff response''. Water Resources Research, 53(7):6351–6354, DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020456.
Berry, Z.C., J. Evaristo, G. Moore, M. Poca, K. Steppe, L. Verrot, H. Asbjornsen, L.S. Borma, M. Bretfeld, P. Hervé‐Fernández and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. The two water worlds hypothesis: Addressing multiple working hypotheses and proposing a way forward. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1843.
Brantley, S. L., Eissenstat, D. M., Marshall, J. A., Godsey, S. E., Balogh-Brunstad, Z., Karwan, D. L., Papuga, S. A., Roering, J., Dawson, T. E., Evaristo, J., Chadwick, O., McDonnell, J.J. and K. Weathers, 2017. Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Biogeosciences, 14:5115-5142, DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-5115-2017.
Coles, A., B. McConkey and J. McDonnell, 2017. Climate change impacts on hillslope runoff on the northern Great Plains, 1962-2013. Journal of Hydrology, 550:538-548, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.05.023.
Evaristo, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. A role for meta‐analysis in hydrology. Hydrological Processes, 31(20):3588-3591, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11253.
Evaristo, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Prevalence and magnitude of groundwater use by vegetation: a global stable isotope meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 7, 44110. DOI: 10.1038/srep44110.
Evaristo, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Carbon, nitrogen, and water stable isotopes in plant tissue and soils across a moisture gradient in Puerto Rico. Hydrological Processes, 31(7):1558- 1559, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11041.
Evaristo, J., J.J. McDonnell and J. Clemens, 2017. Plant source water apportionment using stable isotopes: A comparison of simple linear, two-compartment mixing model approaches.Hydrological Processes, 31(21):3750-3758, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11233.
Gaj, M., S. Kaufhold and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Potential limitation of cryogenic vacuum extractions and spiked experiments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 31(9): 821- 823.,DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7850.
Geris, J., D. Tetzlaff, J.J. McDonnell and C. Soulsby, 2017. Spatial and temporal patterns of soil water storage and vegetation water use in humid northern catchments. Science of The Total Environment, 595:486-493, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.275.
Jasechko, S., D. Perrone, K.M. Befus, M.B. Cardenas, G. Ferguson, T. Gleeson, E. Luijendijk, J.J. McDonnell, R.G. Taylor and Y. Wada, 2017. Global aquifers dominated by fossil groundwaters but wells vulnerable to modern contamination. Nature (Geoscience), 10(6), 425-429, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2943.
Laudon, H., C. Spence, J. Buttle, S. Carey, J.J. McDonnell, J. McNamara, C. Soulsby and D. Tetzlaff, 2017. Save northern high-latitude catchments. Nature (Geoscience), 10(5): 324–325, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2947.
McDonnell, J.J., 2017. Beyond the water balance. Nature (Geoscience), 10(6):396, DOI:10.1038/ngeo2964.
McDonnell, J.J., 2017. Paper writing gone Hollywood. Science, 355(6320): 102-102, DOI: 10.1126/science.355.6320.102.
McDonnell, J.J., 2017. The sustainable scientist. Science, 357 (6356): 1202. DOI: 10.1126/science.357.6356.1202.
Pfister, L., N. Martínez‐Carreras, C. Hissler, J. Klaus, G.E. Carrer, M.K. Stewart and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Bedrock geology controls on catchment storage, mixing, and release: A comparative analysis of 16 nested catchments. Hydrological Processes, 31(10):1828-1845, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11134.
Pfister L., C. Wetzel, J. Klaus N. Martínez‐Carreras, M. Antonelli, A. Teuling and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Terrestrial diatoms as tracers in catchment hydrology: a review. WIREs Water, DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1241.
Potvin, C., D. Sharma, I. Creed, S. Aitken, F. Anctil, E. Bennett, F. Berkes, S. Bernstein, N. Bleau, A. Bourque, B. Brown, S. Burch, J. Byrne, A. Cunsolo Willox, A. Dale, D. de Lange, B. Dyck, M. Entz, J. Etcheverry, R. Faucher, A. Fenech, L. Fraser, I. Henriques, A. Heyland, M. Hoffmann, G. Hoberg, M. Holden, G. Huang, A. Jacob, S. Jodoin, A. Kemper, M. Lucotte, R. Maranger, L. Margolis, D. H. Matthews, I. Mauro, J.J. McDonnell, J. Meadowcroft, C. Messier, M. Mkandawire, C. Morency, N. Mousseau, K. Oakes, S. Otto, P. Palmater, T.S. Palmer, D. Paquin, A. Perl, A. Potvin, H. Ramos, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, N. Richards, J. Robinson, S. Sheppard, S. Simard, B. Sinclair, N. Slawinski, M. Stoddart, M.-A. Villard, C. Villeneuve, S. Wesche, T. Wright, 2016. Stimulating a Canadian narrative for climate. FACETS, 2:131-149, DOI: 10.1139/facets2016-0029.
Pratt, D. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. A portable experimental hillslope for frozen-ground studies. Hydrological Processes, 31(24):4450–4457, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11284.
Steelman, T. and J.J. McDonnell, 2017. Look for the leaders. Nature, 547(483), DOI: 10.1038/nj7664-483a.
van Verseveld, W., H. Barnard, C. Graham, J.J. McDonnell, R. Brooks and M. Weiler, 2017. A sprinkling experiment to quantify celerity-velocity differences at the hillslope scale. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 21:5891-5910, DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-5891-2017.
Zhang Z.Q., Evaristo J., Li Z., Si B.C. and McDonnell J.J. 2017. Tritium analysis shows apple trees may be transpiring water several decades old. Hydrological Processes, 31(5):1196-1201, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11108.2016
Ameli, A., N. Amvrosiadi, T. Grabs, H. Laudon, I. Creed, J.J. McDonnell and K. Bishop, 2016. Hillslope permeability architecture controls on subsurface transit time distribution and flow paths. Journal of Hydrology, 54:17-30, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.071.
Ameli, A., J.J. McDonnell and K. Bishop, 2016. The exponential decline in saturated hydraulic conductivity with depth: a novel method for exploring its effect on water flow paths and transit time distribution. Hydrological Processes, 30(14):2438-2450, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10777.
Bartlett, M.S., A.J. Parolari, J.J. McDonnell and A. Porporato. 2016. Beyond the SCS-CN method: A theoretical framework for spatially lumped rainfall-runoff response. Water Resources Research, 52(6):4608-4627, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018439.
Coles, A.E., C.E. Wetzel, N. Martinez-Carreras, L. Ector, J.J. McDonnell, J. Frentress, J. Klaus, L. Hoffmann and L. Pfister. 2016. Diatoms as a tracer of hydrological connectivity: are they supply limited?. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1662.
Du, E., C.R. Jackson, J. Klaus, J.J. McDonnell, N.A. Griffiths, M.F. Williamson, J. Greco and M. Bitew. 2016. Interflow dynamics on a low relief forested hillslope: Lots of fill, little spill. Journal of Hydrology, 534:648-658, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.039.
Evaristo, J., J.J. McDonnell, M.A. Scholl, L.A. Bruijnzeel and K.P. Chun, 2016. Insights into plant water uptake from xylem-water isotope measurements in two tropical catchments with contrasting moisture conditions. Hydrological Processes, 30(18): 3210-3227, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10841.
Evaristo, J., S. Jasechko and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Isotopic composition of plant water sources Reply. Nature, 536:7617, DOI: 10.1038/nature18947.
Griffiths, N. A., C. R. Jackson, J.J. McDonnell, J. Klaus, E. Du and M. M. Bitew, 2016. Dual nitrate isotopes clarify the role of biological processing and hydrologic flow paths on nitrogen cycling in subtropical low-gradient watersheds. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, 121:422–437, DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003189.
Hale, V. C., and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Effect of bedrock permeability on stream base flow mean transit time scaling relations: 1. A multiscale catchment intercomparison. Water Resources Research, 52(2): 1358–1374, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016124.
Hale, V.C., J.J. McDonnell, M. K. Stewart, D. K. Solomon, J. Doolitte, G. G. Ice, and R. T. Pack, 2016. Effect of bedrock permeability on stream base flow mean transit time scaling relationships: 2. Process study of storage and release. Water Resources Research, 52(2): 1375–1397, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017660.
Jackson, R., E. Du, J. Klaus, N. Griffiths, M. Bitew and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Interactions among hydraulic conductivity distributions, subsurface topography, and transport thresholds revealed by a multitracer hillslope irrigation experiment. Water Resources Research, 52(8): 6186–6206, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018364.
Jasechko, S., J. Kirchner, J. Welker and J.J. McDonnell. 2016. Substantial proportion of global streamflow less than three months old. Nature (Geosciences), 9(2):126-129, DOI: 10/1038/NGEO.2636.
Louch, J., V. Tatum, G. Allen, V. Hale, J.J. McDonnell, B. Danehy, G.Ice. 2016. Potential risks to freshwater aquatic organisms following a silvicultural application of herbicides in Oregon's Coast Range. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 13(2):396-409, DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1781.
McDonnell, J.J., 2016. The 1-hour workday. Science, 353(6300):718-718, DOI: 10.1126/science.353.6300.718.
McDonnell, J.J., 2016. Orchestrating a powerful group. Science, 352(6283): 378-378, DOI: 10.1126/science.352.6283.378.
Muñoz-Villers, L., D. Geissert, F. Holwerda and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Factors influencing stream baseflow transit times in tropical montane watersheds. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 20(4):1621–1635, DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-1621-2016.
Orlowski, N, D. Pratt and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Intercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis.Hydrological Processes, 30(19): 3434-3449, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10870.
Peters, N.E., J.J. McDonnell, A. Binley, G. Hornberger and M. Kirkby, 2016. HP Volume to honor Keith Beven. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11058.
Saffarpour, S., A. Western, R. Adams and J.J. McDonnell, 2016. Multiple runoff processes and multiple thresholds control agricultural runoff generation. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 20:4525-4545, DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-4525-2016.
Ali, G., D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J.J. McDonnell, S. Carey, H. Laudon, K. McGuire, J. Buttle, J. Seibert and J. Shanley. 2015. Comparison of threshold hydrologic response across northern catchments. Hydrological Processes, 29:3575-3591, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10527.
Allen, S.T., R.F. Keim and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Spatial patterns of throughfall isotopic composition at the event and seasonal timescales. Journal of Hydrology, 522:58-66, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.12.029.
Ameli, A. A., J. R. Craig and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Are all runoff processes the same? Numerical experiments comparing a Darcy-Richards solver to an overland flow-based approach for subsurface storm runoff simulation. Water Resources Research, 51:10008–10028, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017199.
Appels, W., J. Freer, C. Graham and J.J. McDonnell. 2015. Factors affecting the spatial pattern of bedrock groundwater recharge at the hillslope scale. . Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10481.
Band, L., J.J. McDonnell, A. Barros, A. Bejan, T. Burt, W.E. Dietrich, R. Emanuel, J. Duncan, T. Hwang, G. Katul, Y. Kim, B. McGlynn, B. Miles, A. Porporato , C. Scaife and P.A. Troch, 2015. Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrology, 7(4):1073-1078, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1525.
Bartlett, M., E. Daly, J.J. McDonnell, A. J. Parolari and A. Porporato, 2015. Stochastic rainfall-runoff model with explicit soil moisture dynamics. Proceedings Royal Society A, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0389.
Burt, T., N. Howden, J.J. McDonnell, J Jones and G. Hancock. 2015. Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record. Hydrological Processes, 29:473-480, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10406.
Burt, T.P. and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Whither field hydrology? The need for discovery science and outrageous hydrological hypotheses. Water Resources Research, 51:5919-5928, DOI: 10.1002/ 2014WR016839.
Costelloe, T. J., Peterson, K., Halbert, A. W., Western, and J. J., McDonnell. 2015. Groundwater surface mapping informs sources of catchment baseflow. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 19:1599-1613, DOI: 10.5194/hess-19-1599-2015.
Evaristo, J., S. Jasechko, and J.J. McDonnell. 2015. Global separation of plant transpiration from groundwater and streamflow. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature14983. [Multimedia Editor’s top picks of 2015]
Geris, J., D. Tetzlaff, J.J. McDonnell, J. Anderson, G. Paton and C. Soulsby. 2015. Ecohydrological separation in wet, low energy northern environments? A preliminary assessment using different soil water extraction techniques. Hydrological Processes, 29, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10603.
Geris, J., D. Tetzlaff, J.J. McDonnell and C. Soulsby, 2015. The relative role of soil type and tree cover on water storage and transmission in northern headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes, 29:1844-1860, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10289.
Janzen, D. and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. A stochastic approach to modelling and understanding hillslope runoff connectivity dynamics. Ecological Modeling, 298:64-74, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.06.024.
Klaus, J., K. Chun, K. McGuire and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Temporal dynamics of catchment transit times from stable isotope data. Water Resources Research, 51:4208–4223, DOI: 10.1002/ 2014WR016247.
Lin, H.S., J.J. McDonnell, J.R. Nimmo, and Y.A. Pachepsky, 2015. Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of soil science and hydrology in the Critical Zone. Hydrological Processes, 29(21): 4559-4561, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10686.
Martinez-Carreras, N., C.E. Wetzel, J.J. Frentress, L. Ector, J.J. McDonnell, L. Hoffmann and L. Pfister, 2015. Hydrological connectivity inferred from diatom transport through the riparian-stream system. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 19:3133-3151, DOI: 10.5194/hess-19- 3133-2015.
McDonnell, J.J., 2015. Creating a research brand, Science, 349 (6249): 758, DOI: 10.1126/science.349.6249.758.
McGuire, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Tracer advances in catchment hydrology. Hydrological Processes, 29(25):5135-5138, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10740.
Munoz-Villers, L., F. Holwerda, M. Alvarado-Barrientos, D. Giessert, B. Marin-Castro, A. Gomez-Tagle, J.J. McDonnell, H. Asbjornsen, R. Dawson, L. Bruijnzeel. 2015. Hydrological effects of cloud forest conversion in central Veracruz, Mexico. Ecohidrologia, bosque y uso del suelo, (in Spanish), 36(3): 395-407, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002015000300007.
Orlowski, N., L. Breuer and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Critical issues with cryogenic extraction of soil water for stable isotope analysis. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1722.
Pfister L, C. Wetzel, N. Martínez-Carreras, J. Iffly, J. Klaus, L. Holko and J.J. McDonnell, 2015. Examination of aerial diatom flushing across watersheds in Luxembourg, Oregon and Slovakia for tracing episodic hydrological connectivity. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 63(3):235-245, DOI: 10.1515/johh-2015-0031.
Seibert, J. and J.J. McDonnell. 2015. Gauging the ungauged basin: relative value of soft and hard data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20(1), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943- 5584.0000861,A4014004.
Shanley, J.B., S.D. Sebestyen, J.J. McDonnell, B.L. McGlynn and T. Dunne, 2015. Water's way at sleepers river watershed – revisiting flow generation in a post-glacial landscape, Vermont USA. Hydrological Processes, 29(16), 3447-3459, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10377.
Stockinger, M.P., A. Lücke, J.J. McDonnell, B. Diekkrüger, H. Vereecken, and H. R. Bogena, 2015. Interception effects on stable isotope driven streamwater transit time estimates. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 5299–5308, DOI: 10.1002/ 2015GL064622.
Jasechko, S., Y. Wada, Y., J. Birks J. Welker, T. Gleeson, P. Fawcett, J.J. McDonnell and Z. Sharp, 2014. The pronounced seasonality of global groundwater recharge. Water Resources Research, 50: 8845-8867, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015809.
Klaus, J., .J.J. McDonnell, C.R. Jackson, E. Du, and N. Griffiths, 2014. Where does streamwater come from in low-relief forested watersheds? A dual-isotope approach. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 19: 125-135, DOI: 10.5194/hess-19-125-2015.
Laine-Kaulio, H., H. Koivusalo, S. Backnäs, T. Karvonen and J.J. McDonnell, 2014. Lateral subsurface stormflow and solute transport in a forested hillslope: A combined measurement and modeling approach. Water Resources Research, 8159–8178, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015381.
McDonnell, J.J., 2014. The two water worlds hypothesis: Ecohydrological separation of water between streams and trees?. Wires Water, DOI: 10.1002/water2.1027.
McDonnell, J.J. and K. Beven, 2014. Debates—The future of hydrological sciences: A (common) path forward? A call to action aimed at understanding velocities, celerities and residence time distributions of the headwater hydrograph. Water Resources Research, 50: 5342–5350, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR015141.
Pangle, L, J.J. McDonnell and J. Gregg, 2014. Rainfall seasonality and an ecohydrological feedback offset the potential impact of climate warming on evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge. Water Resources Research, 50, DOI: 10.1002/2012WR013253.
Ali, G., C. Birkel, D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J.J. McDonnell and T. Paola, 2013. A comparison of wetness indices for the prediction of observed connected saturated areas under contrasting conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3506.
Ali, G., Tetzlaff, D., Kruitbos, L., Soulsby, C., Carey, S., McDonnell, J.J., Buttle, J., Laudon, H., Seibert, J., McGuire, K., and Shanley, J., 2013. Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation-runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(1):1–17, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.822639.
Allen, S. T., Brooks, J. R., Keim, R. F., Bond, B. J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2013. The role of pre-event canopy storage in throughfall and stemflow by using isotopic tracers. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1408.
Carey, S., D. Tetzlaff, J. Buttle, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, J. Seibert, C. Soulsby and J. Shanley, 2013. Use of color maps and wavelet coherence to discern seasonal and interannual climate influences on streamflow variability in northern catchments. Water Resources Research, 49(10):6194-6207, DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20469.
Gupta, H.V, G. Blöschl, J.J. McDonnell, H. H. G. Savenije, M. Sivapalan, A. Viglione and T. Wagener, 2013, Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis Across Processes, Places and Scales. Cambridge University Press, 95(2), Pp:465. DOI: org/10.1002/2014EO020025.
Hrachowitz, M., Savenije, H.H.G., Blöschl, G., McDonnell, J.J., Sivapalan, M., Pomeroy, J.W., Arheimer, B., Blume, T., Clark, M.P., Ehret, U., Fenicia, F., Freer, J.E., Gelfan, A., Gupta, H.V., Hughes, D.A., Hut, R.W., Montanari, A., Pande, S., Tetzlaff, D., Troch, P.A., Uhlenbrook, S., Wagener, T., Winsemius, H.C., Woods, R.A., Zehe, E. and C. Cudennec, C., 2013. A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) - a review. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(6):1198- 1255, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2013.803183.
Jaeger, W., A. J. Plantinga, H. Chang, K. Dello, G. Grant, D. Hulse, J.J. McDonnell, S. Lancaster, H. Moradkhani A.T. Morzillo, P. Mote, A. Nolin, M. Santelmann and J. Wu, 2013. Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems. Water Resources Research, 49(7):4506–4517, DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20249.
Klaus, J. E. Zehe, M. Elsner, C. Külls, and J.J. McDonnell, 2013. Macropore flow of old water revisited: experimental insights from a tile-drained hillslope. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17:103-118, DOI: 10.5194/hess-17-103-2013.
Klaus, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2013. Hydrograph separation using stable isotopes: review and evaluation. Journal of Hydrology, 505:47-64, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.09.006.
Lanni C., J.J. McDonnell, L. Hopp, R. Rigon, 2013. Simulated effect of soil depth and bedrock topography on near-surface hydrologic response and slope stability. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38:146-159, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3267.
Laudon, H, D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, S. Carey, J. Seibert, J. Buttle, J. Shanley, J.J. McDonnell and K. McGuire, 2013. Change in winter climate will affect dissolved organic carbon and water fluxes in mid-to-high latitude catchments. Hydrological Processes, 27(5):700-709, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9686.
McDonnell, J.J., 2013. Are all runoff processes the same? Hydrological Processes, 27: 4103–4111. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10076.
Muñoz-Villers, L. E. and J.J. McDonnell, 2013. Land use change effects on runoff generation in a humid tropical montane cloud forest region. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 17:3543- 3560, DOI: 10.5194/hess-17-3543-2013.
Pangle, L., J. Klaus, E. Berman, M. Gupta and J.J. McDonnell, 2013. A new multisource and high-frequency approach to measuring d2H and d18O in hydrological field studies. Water Resources Research, 49: 7797–7803. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013743.
Tetzlaff, D., C. Soulsby C, Buttle, R. Capell, S.K. Carey, L. Kruitbos, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, J. Seibert and J. Shanley, 2013. Catchments on the Cusp? Structural and functional change in northern ecohydrology.Hydrological Processes, 27(5):766-774, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9700.2012
Ali G, D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J.J. McDonnell and R. Capell, 2012. A comparison of similarity indices for catchment classification using a cross-regional dataset. Advances in Water Resources Research, 40:11-22, DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.01.008.
Ali, G., Tetzlaff, D., Soulsby, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 2012. Topographic, pedologic and climatic interactions influencing streamflow generation at multiple catchment scales. Hydrological Processes, 26(25):3858-3874, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8416.
Gabrielli, C, J.J. McDonnell and T. Jarvis, 2012. The role of bedrock groundwater in rainfall-runoff response at hillslope and catchment scales. Journal of Hydrology, 450-451:117-133, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.05.023.
Jenerette, G.D, G. Barron-Gafford, A. Guswa, J.J. McDonnell and J Villegas, 2012. Organization of complexity in water limited ecohydrology. Ecohydrology, 5:184-199, DOI: 10.1002/eco.217.
Kruitbos, L., D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, J. Buttle, S. Carey, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, J. Seibert, R. Cunjak and J. Shanley, 2012. Hydroclimatic and hydrochemical controls on Plecoptera diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems. Hydrobiologia, 693:39- 53, DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1085-1.
Laudon, H., J. Buttle, S. K. Carey, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, J. Seibert, J., Shanley, C. Soulsby, and D. Tetzlaff, 2012. Cross-regional prediction of long-term trajectory of stream water DOC response to climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(18), L18404, DOI: 10.1029/2012GL053033.
Muños-Villers, L. and J.J. McDonnell, 2012. Runoff generation in a steep, tropical montane cloud forest catchment on permeable volcanic substrate. Water Resources Research, 48: W09528. DOI: 10.1029/2011WR011316.
Stewart, M., U. Morgenstern, J.J. McDonnell and L. Pfister, 2012. The ‘hidden streamflow’ challenge in catchment hydrology: A call to action for streamwater transit time analysis. Hydrological Processes, 26: 2061-2066, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9262.
Wilcox, B., M. Seyfried, D. Breshears and J.J. McDonnell, 2012. Ecohydrologic connections and complexities in drylands: New perspectives for understanding transformative landscape change. Ecohydrology, 5:143-144. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1251.
Wohl, E., A. Barros, N. Brunsell, N. Chappell, M. Coe, T. Giambelluca, S. Goldsmith, R. Harmon, J. Hendrickx, J. Juvik, J.J. McDonnell, F. Ogden, 2012. The hydrology of the humid tropics. Nature (Climate Change), 2:655-662, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1556.2011
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Burt, T., N, Howden, F. Worrall and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. On the value of long-term, low-frequency water quality sampling: avoiding throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Hydrological Processes, 25:828-830, DOI: 10.1002.hyp.7961.
Burt, T., G. Hancock and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. Where does the water go when it rains?. Geography Review, 25(1):38-41.
Gabrielli, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. An inexpensive and portable drill rig for bedrock groundwater studies in headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8212.
Goldsmith, G., L. Muñoz-Villers, F. Holwerda, J.J. McDonnell, H. Asbjornsen and T. E. Dawson, 2011. Stable isotopes reveal linkages among ecohydrological processes in a seasonally dry tropical montane cloud forest. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.268.
Hancock, G., K G Evans, J.J. McDonnell and L Hopp, 2011. Ecohydrological controls on soil erosion and landscape evolution. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.241.
Hopp, L. and J.J. McDonnell, 2011. Examining the role of throughfall patterns on subsurface stormflow generation. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.08.044.
Hopp, L., J.J. McDonnell and P. Condon, 2011. Lateral subsurface flow in a soil cover over waste rock in a humid temperate environment. Vadose Zone Journal 10: 1-13. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2010.0094.
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McDonnell, J.J., 2011, Foreword, to D. Levia, D. Carlyle-Moses and T. Tanaka (eds.) Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future Directions. Springer, 740pp.
Sayama, T., J.J. McDonnell, A. Dhakal and K. Sullivan, 2011. How much water can a watershed store? Hydrological Processes, 25: 3899–3908. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8288.
Barnard, H., Graham, C. VanVerseveld, W., Brooks, J., Bond, B., and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Mechanistic assessment of hillslope transpiration controls of diel subsurface flow: a steady-state irrigation approach. Ecohydrology, 3(2):133-142, DOI: 10.1002/eco.114.
Brooks, R., R. Barnard, R. Coulombe and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Ecohydrologic separation of water between trees and streams in a Mediterranean climate. Nature-Geoscience, 3: 100-104, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO722.
Carey, S.K., D. Tetzlaff, J. Seibert, C. Soulsby, J. Buttle, H. Laudon, J.J. McDonnell, K. McGuire, D. Caissie, J. Shanley, M. Kennedy, K. Devito and J. Pomeroy, 2010. Inter-comparison of hydro-climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7880.
Fenicia, F. S. Wrede, D. Kavetski, L. Pfister, H. Savenije and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Assessing the impact of mixing assumptions on the estimation of streamwater mean residence time. Hydrological Processes, 24(12):1730-1741, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7595.
Graham, C., W. van Verseveld, H. Barnard and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Estimating the deep seepage component of the hillslope and catchment water balance within a measurement uncertainty framework. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7788.
Graham, C., J.J. McDonnell and R. Woods, 2010. Hillslope threshold response to rainfall: (1) A field based forensic approach. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.12.015.
Graham, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Hillslope threshold response to rainfall: (2) Development and use of a macroscale model. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.008.
Govind, A., J.M. Chen, J.J., McDonnell, J. Kumari and O. Sonnentag, 2010. Effects of lateral hydrological processes on photosynthesis and evapotranspiration in a boreal ecosystem. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.141.
Gu, W., M. Shang, S. Zhai, J. Lu, J. Frentress, J.J. McDonnell and C. Kendall, 2010. The rainfall-runoff paradox from natural experimental catchments. Advances in Water Science (in Chinese), 21(4):478-488.
James, A., J.J. McDonnell and H.J. Tromp van Meerveld, 2010. Gypsies in the palace: experimentalist’s view on the use of 3-D physics-based simulation of hillslope hydrological response. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7819.
McDonnell, J.J., K. McGuire, P. Aggarwal, K. Beven, D. Biondi, G. Destouni, S. Dunn, A. James, J. Kirchner, P. Kraft, S. Lyon, P. Maloszewski, B. Newman, L. Pfister, A. Rinaldo, A. Rodhe, T. Sayama, J. Seibert, K. Solomon, C. Soulsby, M. Stewart, D. Tetzlaff, C. Tobin, P. Troch, M. Weiler, A. Western, A. Wörman , S. Wrede, 2010. How old is the streamwater? Open questions in catchment transit time conceptualization, modelling and analysis. Hydrological Processes, 24(12):1745-1754, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7796.
McGuire, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Hydrological connectivity of hillslopes and stream: Charactersitic timescales and non-linearities. Water Resources Research, Vol. 46, W10543, DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009341.
Pfister, L., J.J. McDonnell, C. Hissler and L. Hoffmann, 2010. Ground-based thermal imagery as a simple, practical tool for mapping saturated area connectivity and dynamics. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7840.
Seibert, J., R. Woodsmith and J.J, McDonnell 2010. Effects of wildfire on catchment runoff response: A modelling approach to detect changes in snow-dominated forested catchments. Hydrology Research, 41(5):378-390, DOI: 10.2166/nh.2010.036.
Seibert, J. and J.J, McDonnell 2010. Land-cover impacts on streamflow: a change-detection modelling approach that incorporates parameter uncertainty. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(3):316-332, DOI: 10.1080/02626661003683264.
Stewart, M., U. Morgenstern and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Truncation of stream residence time: How the use of stable isotopes has skewed our concept of streamwater age and origin. Hydrological Processes, 24(12):1646-1659, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7576.
Surfleet, C., Skaugset, A. and J.J. McDonnell, 2010. Uncertainty assessment of forest road modeling with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40:(7)1397-1409, DOI: 10.1139/X10- 079.
Zégre, N., A. E. Skaugset, N. A. Som, J. J. McDonnell and L. M. Ganio, 2010. In lieu of the paired catchment approach: Hydrologic model change detection at the catchment scale. Water Resources Research, 46, W11544, DOI: 10.1029/2009WR008601.
Berman, E., M. Gupta, C. Gabrielli, T. Garland and J.J. McDonnell, 2009. High-frequency field deployable isotope analyzer for hydrological applications. Water Resources Research, 45(10), DOI: 10.1029/2009WR008265.
Hopp, L., C. Harman, S. Desilets, C. Graham, J.J. McDonnell and P. Troch, 2009. Hillslope hydrology under glass: confronting fundamental questions of soil-water-biota co-evolution at Biosphere 2. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 13:2105-2118, DOI: 10.5194/hess-13-2105- 2009.
Hopp, L. and J.J. McDonnell, 2009. Connectivity at the hillslope scale: Identifying interactions between storm size, bedrock permeability, slope angle and soil depth. Journal of Hydrology, 376: 378-391, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.047.
McDonnell, J.J. 2009. Classics in Physical Geography Revisited: Hewlett J.D, Hibbert A.R. 1967. Factors affecting the response of small watersheds to precipitation in humid areas. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(2): 1-6. DOI: 10.1177/0309133309338118.
Pfister, L., J.J. McDonnell, S. Wrede, D. Hlúbiková, P. Matgen, F. Fenicia, L. Ector and L. Hoffmann 2009. The rivers are alive: On the potential for diatoms as a tracer of water source and hydrological connectivity. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7426.
Pielke, R., K. Beven, G. Brasseur, J. Calvert, M. Chahine, D. Entekhab, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, H. Gupta, V. Gupta, W. Krajewski, E. Krider, M. Lau, J.J. McDonnell, W.Rossow, J. Schaake, S. Sorooshian and E. Wood 2009. Climate Change: The Need to Consider Human Forcings Other than Greenhouse Gases. EOS, 90(45): 413. DOI: org/10.1029/2009EO450008.
Sayama, T. and J.J. McDonnell, 2009. A new time-space accounting scheme to predict stream water residence time and hydrograph source components at the watershed scale. Water Resources Research, 45, 7, DOI: 10.1029/2008WR007549.
Sayama, T .and J.J McDonnell, 2009. Relationship between residence time and geographic source of stream flow in small watersheds - Analysis with a distributed rainfall-runoff model and field observation data. Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management, p. 223-229
Tromp van Meerveld, H.J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2009. Assessment of multi-frequency electromagnetic induction for determining soil moisture patterns at the hillslope scale. Journal of Hydrology, 368(1):56-67, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.037.
Van Verseveld, W., J.J. McDonnell and K. Lajtha, 2009. The role of hillslope hydrology in controlling nutrient loss. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.002.
Barthold, F.K., Sayama, T., Schneider, K., Breuer, L., Vaché, K.B., Frede, H.G. and J.J. McDonnell, 2008. Gauging the ungauged basin: A top-down approach in a large semiarid watershed in China. Advances in Geosciences, 18:3-8, DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-18-3-2008.
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Grant, G., S. Lewis, F. Swanson, J. Cissel and J.J. McDonnell, 2008. Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response : a state-of-science report for western Oregon and Washington. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-760. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Stations. 76p. DOI: 10.2737/PNW-GTR-760.
Mazurkiewicz, A., J.J. McDonnell and D. Callery, 2008. Assessing the controls of the snow energy balance and water available for runoff in a rain-on-snow environment. Journal of Hydrology, 354:1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.12.027.
McDonnell, J.J., 2008. Foreword to DaVinci’s Water Theory by L. Pfister, H. Savenije and F. Fenicia. IAHS Press, pp. vii-ix.
Poor, C., J. J. McDonnell and J. Bolte, 2008. Testing the hydrological landscape unit classification system and other terrain analysis measures for predicting lowflow nitrate and chloride in watersheds. Environmental Management, 42:877-893, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-008- 9168-5.
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Tetzlaff, D., McDonnell, J.J., Uhlenbrook, S., McGuire, K.J., Bogaart, P.W., Naef, F., Baird, A.J. Dunn, S.M., Soulsby, C, 2008. Conceptualizing catchment processes: simply too complex? Hydrological Processes, 22:1727-1730, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7069.
Tromp-van Meerveld, H. J., A. L. James, J.J. McDonnell and N. E. Peters, 2008. A reference data set of hillslope rainfall-runoff response, Panola Mountain Research Watershed, United States. Water Resources Research, 44, W06502, DOI: 10.1029/2007WR006299.
Van Verseveld, W., J.J. McDonnell and K. Lajtha, 2008. A mechanistic assessment of nutrient flushing at the catchment scale. Journal of Hydrology, 358:268–287. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.06.009.
Dunn, S., J.J. McDonnell and K. Vaché, 2007. Factors influencing the residence time of catchment waters: A virtual experiment approach. Water Resources Research, 43, W0604, DOI: 10.1029/2006Wr005393.
Lehmann, P., C. Hinz, G McGrath, H. J. Tromp - van Meerveld and J.J. McDonnell, 2007. Rainfall Threshold for hillslope outflow: an emergent property of flow pathway connectivity. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 11:1047-1063, DOI: 10.5194/hess-11-1047-2007.
McDonnell, J.J., M. Sivapalan, K. Vaché S. Dunn, G. Grant, R. Haggerty, C. Hinz, R. Hooper, J. Kirchner, M. L. Roderick, J. Selker and M. Weiler, 2007. Moving beyond heterogeneity and process complexity: A new vision for watershed hydrology. Water Resources Research, 43, W07301, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR005467.
McGuire, K.K., M. Weiler and J.J. McDonnell, 2007. Integrating tracer experiments with modeling to assess runoff processes and water transit times. Advances in Water Resources, 30(4):824-83, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2006.07.004.
McGuire, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2007. Stable isotope tracers in watershed hydrology. In Lajtha K. and W. Michener (eds). Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp 334-374. DOI: 10.1002/9780470691854.ch11.
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Tromp van Meerveld, I., N.E. Peters and J.J. McDonnell, 2007. Effect of bedrock permeability on subsurface stormflow and the water balance of a trenched hillslope at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA . Hydrological Processes, 21:750-769, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6265.
Weiler, M. and J.J. McDonnell, 2007. Conceptualizing lateral preferential flow and flow networks and simulating the effects on gauged and ungauged hillslopes. Water Resources Research, 43, W03403, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR004867.
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Bonell, M., J.J. McDonnell, F. Scatena, J. Seibert, S. Uhlenbrook and H. van Lanen, 2006. HELPing FRIENDs in PUBs: Charting a course for synergies within international water research programmes in gauged and ungauged basins. Hydrological Processes, 20(8):1867-1874, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6196.
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McGuire, K. J., and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. A review and evaluation of catchment transit time modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 330:543-563. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.04.020.
Tromp Van Meerveld, I. and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. Threshold relations in subsurface stormflow 1: A 147 storm analysis of the Panola hillslope trench. Water Resources Research, 42: W02411. DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003778.
Tromp-van Meerveld, H.J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. Threshold relations in subsurface stormflow 2: The fill and spill hypothesis: an explanation for observed threshold behavior in subsurface stormflow. Water Resources Research, 42: W02411. DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003800.
Tromp-van Meerveld, H.J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. On the interrelations between topography, soil depth, soil moisture, transpiration rates and species distribution at the hillslope scale. Advances in Water Resources, 29:293-310, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.02.016.
Vaché, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. A process-based rejectionist framework for evaluating catchment runoff model structure. Water Resources Research, W02409, DOI:10.1029/2005WR004247.
Vache, K. B. and J.J. McDonnell, 2006. Process-based strategies for model structural improvement and reduction of model prediction uncertainty Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promise and Progress.
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Asano, Y., T. Uchida and J.J. McDonnell, 2005. Searching for a post- variable source area concept of rainfall-runoff response in headwater. Japanese Society of Hydrology and Water Resources (in Japanese). 18(4): 459-468. DOI: 10.3178/jjshwr.18.459.
Burns, D., T. Vitvar, J.J. McDonnell, J. Duncan and J. Hassett, 2005. Effects of suburban development on runoff generation in the Croton River basin, New York, USA. Journal of Hydrology, 311:266-281, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.01.022.
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McGuire, K. J., J.J. McDonnell, M. Weiler, C. Kendall, J. M. Welker, B. L. McGlynn and J. Seibert, 2005. The role of topography on catchment-scale water residence time. Water Resources Research, 41, DOI: 10.10292004WR003657.
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Uchida, T., I. Tromp-van Meerveld and J.J. McDonnell, 2005. The role of lateral pipe flow in hillslope runoff response: An intercomparison of non-linear hillslope response. Journal of Hydrology, 311:117-133, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.01.012.
Uchida T., J.J. McDonnell and Y. Asano, 2005. Functional intercomparison of hillslopes and small catchments by examining water source, flowpath and mean residence time. Journal of Hydrology, 327:627-642, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.02.037.
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Freer, J., H. McMillan, J.J. McDonnell and K. Beven, 2004. Constraining Dynamic TOPMODEL responses for imprecise water table information using fuzzy rule based performance measures. Journal of Hydrology, 291:254-277, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.037.
Hjerdt, K., J.J. McDonnell, J. Seibert and A. Rodhe, 2004. A new topographic index to quantify downslope controls on local drainage. Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, W05602, DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003130.
J.J. McDonnell. 2004. Runoff generation processes and modelling. Pp: 61-66. DOI: 10.1201/9781439833858.ch8.
McDonnell, J.J., 2004. Runoff processes and lateral water transfers. In: Vegetation, Water, Humans and the Climate: A New Perspective on an Interactive System. P. Kabat, M. Claussen, P.A. Dirmeyer, J.H.C. Gash, L.Bravo de Guenni, M. Meybeck, R.A. Pielke, Sr., C.J. Vörösmarty, R.W.A. Hutjes, S.Lütkemeier, Editors, Springer-Verlag, pp. 322-328.
McDonnell, J.J., 2004. Editorial: HPToday and HPTomorrow. Hydrological Processes, 14: 2739-2741, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5681.
McDonnell, J.J. and R. Woods. 2004. Editorial: On the need for catchment classification. Journal of Hydrology, 299(1-2): 2-3, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.09.003.
McGlynn, B. L., J.J. McDonnell, J. Seibert and C. Kendall, 2004. Scale effects on headwater catchment runoff timing, flow sources, and groundwater-streamflow relations. Water Resources Research, 40, W07504, DOI: 07510.01029/02003WR002494.
McHale, M. R., C.P. Cirmo, M.J. Mitchell, and J.J. McDonnell, 2004. Wetland nitrogen dynamics in an Adirondack forested watershed. Hydrological Processes, 18(10):1853-1870, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1452.
Uchida, T, U. Asano, T. Mizuyama and J.J. McDonnell, 2004. The role of upslope soil pore pressure on lateral subsurface storm flow dynamics. Water Resources Research, 40, W12401, DOI: 10.1029/2003WR002139.
Vaché, K.B, J.J. McDonnell and J.P. Bolte, 2004. On the use of multiple criteria for a posteriori model rejection: Soft data to characterize model performance. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, DOI: 10.1029/2004GRL021577.
Vitvar, T., Aggarwal, P and J. J. McDonnell, 2004. A review of isotope applications in Catchment Hydrology. In: Aggarwal, P.K., Gat, J.R., and Froehlich, K.O.:Isotopes in the water cycle- Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science, Springer 2005, pp. 151- 171. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3023-1_12.
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Weiler, M. And J.J. McDonnell, 2004. Water storage and soil movement. Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Burley, J., J. Evans, and J. Youngquist, Editors. Elsevier Science Publishers: p.1253-1260.
Weiler, M. and J.J. McDonnell, 2004. Virtual experiments: A new approach for improving process conceptualization in hillslope hydrology. Journal of Hydrology, 285:3-18, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(03)00271-3.
Woodsmith, R., K. Vache, J.J. McDonnell and J. Helvey, 2004. The Entiat Experimental Forest: Catchment-scale runoff data before and after a 1970 wildfire. Water Resources Research, 40(11): W11701. DOI: 10.1029/2004WR003296.
Burns, D., N. Plummer, J.J. McDonnell, E. Busenburg, G. Casile, C. Kendall, R. Hooper, J. Freer, N. Peters, K. Beven and P. Schlosser, 2003. The geochemical evolution of riparian ground water in a forested piedmont catchment. Groundwater, 41(7):913-925, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2003.tb02434.x.
Cloke, H., J.P. Renaud, A.J. Claxton, J.J. McDonnell, M.G. Anderson, J.R. Blake and P.D. Bates, 2003. The effect of model configuration on modelled hillslope–riparian interactions. Journal of Hydrology, 279 (1-4):167-181, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(03)00177-X.
McDonnell, J.J., 2003. Surface and Subsurface Water Hydrologic Modeling at the Watershed Scale, in V.P. Singh and R.N. Yadava (eds), Water and Environment: Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water and Environment. Held on 15-18 December, 2003, Bhopal, India: 286-298.
McDonnell, J.J., 2003. Where does water go when it rains? Moving beyond the variable source area concept of rainfall-runoff response. Hydrological Processes, 17:1869-1875, DOI:10.1002/hyp.5132.
McDonnell, J.J., 2003. Discussion of "Simple Estimation of Prevalence of Hortonian Flow in New York City Watersheds". by M. Todd Walter, Vishal K. Mehta, Alexis M. Marrone, Jan Boll, Pierre Gerard-Marchant, Tammo S. Steenhuis, and Michael F. Walter. ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10(2):168-169, DOI: 10.1061/(asce)1084-0699(2003)8:4(214).
McGlynn, B. and J.J McDonnell, 2003. Quantifying the relative contributions of riparian and hillslope zones to catchment runoff. Water Resources Research, 39(11), 1310, DOI: 10,1029/2003WR002091.
McGlynn, B. and J.J. McDonnell, 2003. The role of discrete landscape units in controlling catchment dissolved organic carbon dynamics. Water Resources Research, 39(4):3-18, DOI: 10.1029/2002wr001525.
McGlynn,B., J.J. McDonnell, Stewart, M., Seibert, J., 2003. On the relationships between catchment scale and streamwater mean residence time. Hydrological Processes, 17:175-181, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5085.
Seibert, J, K. Bishop, A. Rodhe and J. McDonnell, 2003. Groundwater dynamics along a hillslope: A test of the steady-state hypothesis. Water Resources Research, 39(1): 2-1 - 2- 9, DOI: 10.1029/2002wr001404.
Shanley, J., K. Hjerdt, J.J. McDonnell and C. Kendall, 2003. Shallow water table fluctuations in relation to soil penetration resistance. Groundwater, 41(7):964-972, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745- 6584.2003.tb02438.x.
Sherlock, M. and J.J. McDonnell, 2003. A new tool for Hillslope Hydrologists: Spatially distributed groundwater level and soilwater content measured using electromagnetic induction. Hydrological Processes, 17(10):1965-1977, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1221.
Sivapalan, M., K. Takeuchi, S. Franks, V. Gupta, H. Karambiri, V. Lakshmi, X. Liang, J.J. McDonnell, E. Mendiondo, P. O’Connell, T. Oki, J. Pomeroy, D. Schertzer, S. Uhlenbrook, E. Zehe, 2003. IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), 2003-2012: Shaping an exciting future for the hydrological sciences. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(6):857-880, DOI: 10.1623/hysj.48.6.857.51421.
Uhlenbrook, S., J.J. McDonnell and C. Leibundgut, 2003. Preface: Runoff generation and implications for river basin modelling. Hydrological Processes. Special Issue 17:197-198, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1118
Weiler, M., Uchida, T. and J.J. McDonnell, 2003. Connectivity due to preferential flow controls water flow and solute transport at the hillslope scale. Proc. MODSIM 2003, D. Post (ed), Interactive modeling of Biophysical, Social and Biological Systems for Resource Management Solutions: 398-403.
Weiler, M., McGlynn, B., McGuire, K. and J.J. McDonnell, 2003. How does rainfall become runoff? A combined tracer and runoff transfer function approach. Water Resources Research, 39, DOI: 10.1029 / 2003 WR002331.2002
Bond, B., J. Jones, G. Moore, N. Philips, D. Post and J.J. McDonnell, 2002. The zone of vegetation influence on baseflow revealed by diet patterns of streamflow and vegetation water use in a headwater basin. Hydrological Processes, 16:1671-1677, DOI:10.1002/hyp.5022.
Freer, J., J.J. McDonnell, K. Beven, D. Burns, R. Hooper, B. Aulenbach, C. Kendall and N. Peters, 2002. The role of bedrock topography on subsurface storm flow. Water Resources Research, 38(12):5-16, DOI:10.1029/2001wr000872.
McGlynn, B., J.J. McDonnell and D. Brammer, 2002. A review of the evolving perceptual model of hillslope flowpaths at the Maimai catchment, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 257: 1-26, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00559-5.
McHale, M., J.J. McDonnell, M. Mitchell and C. Cirmo, 2002. A field-based study of soil water and groundwater nitrate release in an Adirondack forested watershed. Water Resources Research, 38(4):2-16, DOI: 10.1029/2000wr000102.
Seibert, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2002. On the dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology: Use of soft data for multicriteria model calibration. Water Resources Research, 38(11): 23-11 - 23-14, DOI: 10.1029/2001wr000978.
Seibert, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2002. The Quest for an Improved Dialog Between Modeler and Experimentalist. In: Calibration of Watershed Models. Q. Duan, H. V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, A.N. Rousseau, and R. Turcotte, Editors. AGU Monograph, Water Science and Applications Series Volume 6, DOI: 10.1029/006WS22.
Shanley, J., C. Kendall, T. Smith, D. Wolock and J.J. McDonnell, 2002. Controls on old and new water contributions to stream flow at some nested catchments in Vermont, USA. Hydrological Processes, 16(3):589-609, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.312.
Sherlock, M., J.J. McDonnell, D. Curry and A. Zumbuhl, 2002. Physical controls on septic leachate movement in the unsaturated zone at the hillslope scale, Putnam Country, New York, USA. Hydrological Processes, 16:2559 – 2575, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1048.
Unnikrishna, P.V., J.J. McDonnell and C. Kendall, 2002. Isotope variations in a Sierra Nevada snowpack and their relation to meltwater. Journal of Hydrology, 260:38-57, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00596-0.
Vitvar, T., D. Burns, G. Lawrence, J.J. McDonnell and D. Wolock, 2002. Estimation of baseflow residence times in watersheds from the runoff hydrograph recession: method and application in the Neversink watershed, Catskill Mountains, New York. Hydrological Processes, 16:1871–1877, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5027
Burns, D. A., J.J. McDonnell, R. P. Hooper, N.E. Peters, J.E. Freer, C. Kendall and K. Beven, 2001. Quantifying Contributions to Storm Runoff through End-Member Mixing Analysis and Hydrologic Measurements at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed (Georgia, USA). Hydrological Processes, 15(10):1903-1924. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.246.
Kendall, C., J.J. McDonnell and W. Gu, 2001. A look inside 'black box' hydrograph separation models: A study at the Hydrohill Catchment. Hydrological Processes, 15(10):1877-1902, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.245.
McDonnell, J.J., T. Tanaka, M.J. Mitchell and N. Ohte, 2001. Foreword to special issue: Hydrology and biogeochemistry of forested catchments. Hydrological Processes, 15(10):1673- 1674, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.351.
McDonnell, J.J. and T. Tanaka, 2001. On the future of forest hydrology and biogeochemistry. Hydrological Processes, 15(10):2053-2055, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.493.
Seibert, J. and J.J. McDonnell, 2001. Towards a better process representation of catchments hydrology in conceptual runoff modelling. IAHS Freiburg Conference on Meso-scale modelling, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Runoff Generation and Implications for River Basin Modeling: 9-12 October 2000.
Welsch, D.L., C.N. Kroll, J.J. McDonnell and D.A. Burns, 2001. Topographic controls on the chemistry of subsurface stormflow. Hydrological Processes, 15(10):1925-1938, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.247.
Hjerdt, K.N, R. Melloh, S. Taylor, J. Shanley, C. Kendall, and J. J. McDonnell, 2000. Evaluating the impact of spatially and temporally varying d18O of recharge on hydrograph separation during Spring melt of 1999. Proc. Eastern Snow Conference, Syracuse May 2000.
McHale, M.R., M. Mitchell, J.J. McDonnell and C. Cirmo, 2000. Nitrogen solutes in an Adirondack forested watershed: Importance of dissolved organic nitrogen. Biogeochemistry, 48: 165-184, DOI: 10.1023/a:1006121828108.
Sherlock, M., N. Chapell and J.J. McDonnell, 2000. The effects of experimental uncertainty on the calculation of hillslope flow paths. Hydrological Processes, 14(14): 2457-2472. DOI: 10.1002/1099-1085(20001015)14:14<2457::AID-HYP106>3.0.CO;2-I.
Kendall, K., J. Shanley and J.J. McDonnell, 1999. A hydrometric and geochemical approach to test the transmissivity feedback hypothesis during snowmelt. Journal of Hydrology, 219:188-205, DOI: 10.1016/s0022-1694(99)00059-1.
Leibundgut, C., J.J. McDonnell and G. Schultz, Editors. 1999. Integrated Methods of Catchment Hydrology: Tracer, Remote Sensing and New Hydrometric Techniques. IAHS Publication 258, 284pp.
McDonnell, J.J., L. Rowe and M. Stewart, 1999. A combined tracer-hydrometric approach to assess the effects of catchment scale on water flow path, source and age. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication, 258: 265-274.
McGlynn, B., J.J. McDonnell, J. Shanley and C. Kendall, 1999. Riparian zone flowpath dynamics during snowmelt in a small headwater catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 222:75- 92, DOI:10.1016/s0022-1694(99)00102-x.
McIntosh, J., J.J. McDonnell and N.E. Peters, 1999. Tracer and hydrometric study of preferential flow in large undisturbed soil cores from the Georgia Piedmont, USA. Hydrological Processes, 13: 139-155. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1085(19990215)13:2<139::AID-HYP703>3.3.CO;2-5.
Becker, A. and J.J. McDonnell, 1998. Topographical and ecological controls of runoff generation and lateral flows in mountain catchments. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 248:199-206.
Brown, V.A. J.J. McDonnell, D.A. Burns and C. Kendall, 1998. The role of event water, a rapid shallow flow component, and catchment size in summer stormflow. Journal of Hydrology, 217: 171-190, DOI: 10.1016/s0022-1694(98)00247-9.
Burns, D., R. Hooper, C. Kendall, J. Freer, J.J. McDonnell and K. Beven, 1998. Base cation concentrations in subsurface flow from a forested hillslope: The role of flushing frequency. Water Resources Research, 34(12):3535-3544, DOI:10.1029/98wr02450.
Burns, D.A. and J.J. McDonnell, 1998. Effects of a beaver pond on runoff processes: comparison of two headwater catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 205:248-264, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(98)00081-X.
Hooper, R., B. Aulenbach, D. Burns, J.J. McDonnell, J. Freer, C. Kendall and K. Beven, 1998. Riparian control of stream-water chemistry: Implications for hydrochemical basin models. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 248:451-458.
McDonnell, J.J., D. Brammer, C. Kendall, N. Hjerdt, L. Rowe, M. Stewart and R. Woods, 1998. Flow pathways on steep forested hillslopes: The tracer, tensiometer and trough approach. In Tani et al. (eds). Environmental Forest Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 463-474. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-5324-9_50.
McDonnell, J.J. and C. Kendall, 1998. Isotope tracers in catchment hydrology. In: Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology. Kendall C. and McDonnell, Editors. Elsevier Science Publishers. pp: 1-9.
McDonnell, J.J. and J. Buttle, 1998. Comment on "A deterministic-empirical model of the effect of the capillary-fringe on near-stream area runoff 1. Description of the model.” by C. Jayatilaka and Gillham, Journal of Hydrology, 184:299-315, DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1694(98)00116-4.
McDonnell, J.J., B. McGlynn, K. Kendall and J. Shanley, 1998. The role of near-stream riparian zones in the hydrology of steep upland catchments. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 248:173-180.
Richey, D.G., J.J. McDonnell, M. Erbe and T. Hurd, 1998. Hydrograph separations based on chemical and istopic concentrations: a critical appraisal of published studies from New Zealand, North America and Europe. Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand), 37(2): 95-111.
Cirmo, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 1997. Linking the hydrologic and biogeochemical controls of nitrogen transport in near-stream zones of temperate-forested catchments: a review. Journal of Hydrology, 199:88-120. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-1694(96)03286-6.
Freer, J., J.J. McDonnell, D. Brammer, K. Beven, R. Hooper and D. Burns, 1997. Topographic controls on subsurface storm flow at the hillslope scale for two hydrologically distinct catchments. Hydrological Processes, Re-published by Wiley as part of AGU Special Issue: 117-122.
Freer, J., J.J. McDonnell, D. Brammer, K. Beven, R. Hooper and D. Burns, 1997. Topographic controls on subsurface storm flow at the hillslope scale for two hydrologically distinct small catchments. Advances in Hydrological Processes (Beven, ed), 11(9),1347-1352. DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1099-1085(199707)11:9<1347::aid-hyp592>;2-r.
McDonnell, J.J., 1997. Comment on "The changing spatial variability of subsurface flow across a hillside" by Ross Woods and Lindsay Rowe. Journal of Hydrology (NZ), 36(1): 97-100.
McDonnell, J.J., 1997. The ranking of water resources journals. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 78(20):718.
Sun, C., C. Neale, J.J. McDonnell and H. Cheng, 1997. Monitoring land-surface snow conditions from SSM/I data using an artificial neural network classifier. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35(4): 801-809. DOI: 10.1109/36.602522.
Borchert, D., S. Marino, S. Perlitsh, H. Green and J. McDonnell, 1996. Testing the effectiveness of BMPÂ’s using urban stormwater models: Project overview. In: McDonnell, J.J., D. Leopold, B. Neville, S. Stribling (eds.) (1996). New York City Water Supply Studies. American Water Resources Association, 37-48.
McDonnell, J.J., J. Freer, R. Hooper, C. Kendall, D. Burns and K. Beven, 1996. New method developed for studying flow on hillslopes. EOS, 77(47): 465-472.
McDonnell, J.J., D. Leopold, B. Neville, S. Stribling (eds.), 1996. New York City Water Supply Studies. American Water Resources Association, 174.
McDonnell, J.J., S. Stribling, B. Neville, D. Leopold (eds.), 1996. Watershed Restoration Management: Physical, Chemical and Biological Considerations. American Water Resources Association, 514.
Perlitsh, S., J.J. McDonnell, H. Green, S. Perlitsh, B. Hill, D. Borchert and S. Marino, 1996. A comparison of measured and modeled water flow and quality from three suburban catchments. In: McDonnell, J.J., D. Leopold, B. Neville, S. Stribling (eds.) (1996). New York City Water Supply Studies. American Water Resources Association, 49-60.
Sun, C., C. Neale and J.J. McDonnell, 1996. Snow wetness estimates of vegetated terrain from satellite passive microwave data. Hydrological Processes, 10(12):1619-1628. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1085(199612)10:12<1619::AID-HYP505>3.0.CO;2-K.
Sun, C., C. Neale, J.J. McDonnell and H. Cheng, 1996. Snow classification from SSM/I data over varied terrain using an artificial neural network classifier. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future. 1(IV). pp.133-135.
Sun, C., C. Neale and J.J. McDonnell, 1996. Snow wetness from SSM/I data over varied terrain using an artificial neural network. Proc. Eastern Snow Conference, 6pp.
Sun, C., C. Neale and J.J. McDonnell, 1996. The potential of using artificial neural network in estimation of snow water equivalent from SSM/I data. AGU Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, CO, June 1996, 11.
Brammer, D. and J.J. McDonnell, 1995. An evolving perceptual model of hillslope hydrology at the Maimai catchment. Advances in Hillslope Hydrology. M.G. Anderson, S. Brooks and T. Burt, Editors. John Wiley and Sons, pp:35-60.
Harris, D.M., J.J. McDonnell and A. Rodhe, 1995. Hydrograph separation using continuous open system isotopic mixing. Water Resources Research, 31(1): 157-171. DOI: 10.1029/94wr01966.
McDonnell, J.J., 1995. Building an undergraduate Earth System Science education program. Global Environmental Change Science: Education and Training, pp:137-142.
McDonnell, J.J. and M. Taratoot, 1995. Soil pipe effects on pore pressure dissipation and redistribution in low permeability soils. Geotechnical Engineering, 26(2):53-61.
O'Neill, M.P. and J.J. McDonnell , 1995. Effects of Soil-Moisture Dynamics on Slope Failure At Hyrum Reservior, Utah. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 20:243-253. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3290200306.
Sauter, K.A. and J.J. McDonnell, 1995. Automated system for measuring snow surface energy balance components in mountainous terrain. Hydrological Processes, 10: 45-54 (re-published by Wiley as part of special 10th Anniversary Issue).
Sun, C., H. Cheng, J.J. McDonnell and C. Neale, 1995. Identification of mountain snow cover using SSM/I and artificial neural network. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - Conference Proceedings, 1(5)3451-3454.
Sun, C., C. Neale and J.J. McDonnell, 1995. Relationship between snow wetness and air temperature and its use in the development of an SSM/I snow wetness algorithm. Proceedings AGU 15th Annual Hydrology Days, 271-280.
Tarboton, D.G., T. Jackson, J.Z. Liu, C. Neale, K. Cooley and J.J. McDonnell, 1995. A grid based distributed hydrologic model: testing against data from the Reynold's Creek experimental watershed. Proc. American Meteorological Society, Conference on Hydrology, 79-84.
Unnikrishna, P.V., J.J. McDonnell, D.G. Tarboton, C. Kendall and K. Cooley, 1995. Stable isotope tracing as a tool for testing assumptions in a grid based distributed hydrologic model. Proc. American Meteorological Society, Conference on Hydrology, 86-91.
Unnikrishna, P.V., J.J. McDonnell, D. Tarboton and C. Kendall. 1995. Isotopic analysis of hydrologic processes in a small semi-arid catchment. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 229:295-304.
Brammer, D., V. Brown, R. Houck, C. Kendall, J.J. McDonnell and A. Titus, 1994. Effect of cover type on snow isotopic composition. Proc. 51st Eastern Snow Conference, 105-114.
Sauter, K.A. and J.J. McDonnell. 1994. Automated system for measuring snow surface energy balance components in mountainous terrain. Hydrological Processes 8(5), 437-446. DOI:org/10.1002/hyp.3360080506.
Unnikrishna, P.V., J.J. McDonnell and M.K. Stewart, 1994. Soil water isotopic residence time modeling. Solute Processes and Modeling. Trudgill, S. Editor. Wiley International. International, pp:237-260.
Harris, D. and J.J. McDonnell, 1993. Soil moisture and vegetation response to climate change: Strategies for validating a watershed simulation model. Proc. American Meteorological Society, Conference on Hydrology, 99-101.
Kendall, C. and J.J. McDonnell, 1993. Effect of intrastorm isotopic heterogeneities of rainfall, soil water, and groundwater on runoff modeling. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 215: 41-48.
McDonnell, J.J., 1993. Electronic versus Fluid Multiplexing In Recording Tensiometer Systems. Trans. Society Agricultural Engineers, 36(2): 459-462.
McDonnell, J.J. and C. Kendall, 1992. Stable isotopes in catchment hydrology. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 73(24): 260-261.
Riefenberg, J, D. Donato, M.C. Sun, et al. 1992. NUMERICAL MODELING ANALYSES OF A LONGWALL MINING GATEROAD SYSTEM. Fourth Conference on Ground Control for Midwestern U.S. Coal Mines : Proceedings. Pp: 167-177.
Sauter, K.A. and J.J. McDonnell, 1992. Prediction of snowmelt rates at a forested alpine site in Northern Utah, Proc. Western Snow Conference, Jackson Hole, April 1992: 10. Pp:95-102.
Hawkins, C., J. Dobrowolski, J.J. McDonnell and M. O'Neill, 1991. Interdisciplinary education in watershed science: A Natural Resources perspective. In: Hydrology and Water Resources Education, Training and Management. Raynal, J.A., Editor. Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado. Pp:249-254.
McDonnell, J.J., 1991. A laboratory system for examining vegetation-induced rainfall infiltration. Bulletin of the Hydrographical Service of Austria (Mitteilungsblatt des Hydrographischen Dienstes in Osterreich), 65/66:217-220.
McDonnell, J.J., 1991. Preferential flow as a control of stormflow response and water chemistry in a small forested watershed, In: Preferential Flow, American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Gish, T.J. and A. Shirmohammadi, Editors, Pp:50-58.
McDonnell, J.J., 1991. USA-USSR issues in environmental hydrology. The Professional Geographer, 43:106-107. DOI: 10.1111/j.0033-0124.1991.00106.x .
McDonnell, J.J., I.F. Owens and M.K. Stewart, 1991. A case study of shallow flow paths in a steep zero-order basin. Water Resources Bulletin, 27(4):679-685.
McDonnell, J.J., M.K. Stewart and I.F. Owens, 1991. Effect of catchment-scale subsurface watershed mixing on stream isotopic response. Water Resources Research, 27(12): 3065-3073.
Stewart, M.K. and J.J. McDonnell, 1991. Modeling base flow soil water residence times from deuterium concentrations. Water Resources Research, 27(10):2681-2694. DOI: 10.1029/91wr01569.
McDonnell, J.J., 1990. The influence of macropores on debris flow initiation. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, London, 23(4):325-332. DOI: 10.1144/GSL.QJEG.1990.023.04.06.
McDonnell, J.J., 1990. A rationale for old water discharge through macropores in a steep, humid catchment. Water Resources Research, 26(11):2821-2832. DOI: 10.1029/WR026i011p02821.
McDonnell, J.J., M. Bonell, M.K. Stewart and A.J. Pearce, 1990. Deuterium variations in storm rainfall: Implications for stream hydrograph separation. Water Resources Research, 26:455-458. DOI: 10.1029/WR026i003p00455.
McDonnell, J.J. 1988. Hydrological developments: Report on the 26th congress of the International Geographical Union. Journal of Hydrology (NZ), 27(2):154‑155.
Buttle, J.M. and J.J. McDonnell, 1987. Modeling the areal depletion of snowcover in a forested catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 90(1-2):43-60. DOI: 10.1016/0022-1694(87)90172-7.
McDonnell, J.J. and J.M. Buttle, 1987. On improving temperature-index snowmelt models in small watersheds. Hydrological Science and Technology, 3(1-2): 53-59.
McDonnell, J.J. and C.H. Taylor, 1987. Surface and subsurface water contributions during snowmelt in a small Precambrian Shield watershed, Muskoka, Ontario. Atmosphere‑Ocean, 25(3):251‑266. DOI: 10.1080/07055900.1987.9649274.
McDonnell, J.J. and C.H. Taylor, 1986. Effects of varying snowpack and watershed conditions on snowmelt runoff response. Proceedings 42nd Eastern Snow Conference, June 1985, Montreal, 262-266.
Buttle, J.M. and J.J. McDonnell, 1986. Snowpack depletion in a forested watershed. Proceedings 42nd Eastern Snow Conference, June 1985, Montreal, 267-271.