Required Reading
For the 1st Day

For Monday:
- Beven, K.J. (2006) "Introduction" in Streamflow Generation Processes: Benchmark Papers in Hydrology. IAHS, Wallingford (not available digitally).
- Mosley, M.P. (1979) Streamflow generation in a forested watershed, New Zealand, Water Resources Research 15: 795-806.
- Sklash, M.G. and Farvolden, R.N. (1979) The role of groundwater in storm runoff, Journal of Hydrology 43: 45-65.
- Pearce, A.J., Stewart, M.K., Sklash, M.G. (1986) Storm runoff generation in humid headwater catchments: 1. Where does the water come from? Water Resources Research 22, 1263–1272.
- Sklash, M.G., Stewart, M.K., Pearce, A.J. 1986. Storm Runoff Generation in Humid Headwater Catchments: 2. A Case Study of Hillslope and Low-Order Stream Response. Water Resources Research 22(8), 1273–1282, DOI: 10.1029/WR022i008p01273.
These papers will be made available via dropbox, a link for which will be emailed to the class.
Additional reading material:
Students with little background in hydrology should also read Hewlett, J.D. (1982) Principles of Forest Hydrology. The University of Georgia Press, Athens. (particularly read chapters 5 and 7). This will also be made available via dropbox.
All-Day Field Trip