Jan 17, 2023

A Call for Standardization

MOST Lab Manager, Cody Millar, leads the call to standardize water extraction of plant and soil material for the purposes of isotope analyses.

Mar 1, 2022

Wind & Precipitation

The effects of wind on precipitation catch and resulting isotopic signatures

Jan 26, 2022

Fellow of AAAS

Lab Leader, Dr. Jeffrey McDonnell, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Jan 25, 2022

PhD Defence

PhD Candidate, Magali Nehemy, Successfully Defends Her PhD

Sep 16, 2021

Nature — Research Highlights

Jeff and colleagues have their paper, lead by Grant Ferguson from the University of Saskatchewan, featured in Natures's Research Highlights section.

May 25, 2020

Hillslope Hydrology Past, Present & Future

Jeff turned 60! To usher in this event during Jeff's sabbatical year in Europe, a birthday Workshop called "Hillslope Hydrology Past, Present, and Future" was held Oct 13-15, 2019 a the University of Luxembourg in Belval Luxembourg

Apr 6, 2020

Horton Research Grant

PhD candidate, Magali Furlan Nehemy, was awarded the Horton Research Grant in 2019

Nov 23, 2019

Lab Visit

Jeff and Veva, visiting colleagues in Italy

Mar 19, 2018

Paper Under Discussion in HESS

Inter-laboratory comparison of cryogenic water extraction systems for stable isotope analysis of soil water