Anna's European visit

Lab Trip

Anna in Luxembourg

Alzette River in Luxembourg City

Anna has just returned from a 1-month visit to Luxembourg and the UK.

Her trip kicked off in Luxembourg with the AGU Chapman Conference on catchment spatial organization. Spatial organization of landscape characteristics and process behavior is a key theme in Anna’s PhD research. Her preliminary results indicate that the spatial patterns of soil moisture, frozen ground dynamics and snowmelt interact to generate connectivity and threshold-like runoff. The conference was of enormous value in sharing and discussing these initial results, as well as hearing about other novel measurement techniques and modelling approaches for catchment heterogeneities and complex behavior.

Following this, it was then on to Durham University in the UK to work with Dr. Sim Reaney for a couple of weeks. Anna is working with the Connectivity of Runoff Model (CRUM3) as a platform for undertaking virtual experiments to explore the impact of topography and other spatially-variable features of the landscape on snowmelt-runoff generation.

All in all, it was a fruitful trip that has sparked some exciting research collaborations.