Stable Water Isotopes

EGU Session

For those interested, there will be a sesson titled "Stable water isotope tracer dynamics in the soil-plant-atmoshphere continuum" HS8.3.7 at the 2017 meeting in Vienna, April 23-28.

More infromation can be found here.

The session aims to bring together the current state of the art in measuring and applying stable water isotopes at the interfaces between soils, plants, and atmosphere to increase interdisciplinary exchange in this fast growing scientific field. We welcome experimental and modeling water isotope studies that present methodological developments, applications, and reveal new process understanding in the soil-plant-atmophere continuum.

Abstracts can be submitted until January 11, 2017. 

Session conveners: Christophe Hissler, Arnaud Legout, Jeffrey McDonnell, and Natalie Orlowski