Tropical Rainforest Drought Experiment 2014

Biosphere 2

This past summer, Jaivime (PhD student) worked with other students and staff at the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 experimental rainforest facility, testing whether the isotope composition of the soil and trees are different from the stream and sub-soil drainage in the B2 rainforest. The B2 facility allowed the group the ability to test how plants might adjust their water uptake strategies through a controlled drought. For a more detailed summary of the experiment please see the following link (Project Summary).

Group photo (L-R): Jaivime Evaristo (GIWS), Jeff McDonnell (GIWS), Meghan McDonnell (summer intern from the University of Oregon), and Daniel Cast, Fatima Olmos, and Letza Ueranda Gonzalez Silva (all three are undergraduate students from Mexico, on a USA-Mexico research experience program).

Meghan, Letza, and Fatima collecting pre-drought samples for bulk soil water isotope analysis.

Letza and Fatima measuring soil moisture content via gravimetric method.

~1,200 vials of soil and twig samples for stable water isotope analysis.