Global Institute for Water Security

Research Area(s)

  • Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Socio-hydrology
  • Aquifer recharge
  • Water and Sowing Harvesting

Primary Research Interest/Expertise

Lady Bravo-Montero is a researcher at the Center for Research and Projects Applied to Earth Sciences (CIPAT) at ESPOL university and She is a Master Student at ESPOL Polytechnic University. She works on Geosciences issues related to hydrogeology, water management, aquifers remote sensing and geographic information systems. She participated in projects such as:

  1. ´Resiliencia en la gestión del agua, ante el COVID-19, Manglaralto´ (Resilience in Water Management, in the face of COVID-19, Manglaralto), with code: PG03-PY20-03;
  2. ´Registro de Patrimonio Geológico y Minero y su Incidencia en la Defensa y Preservación de la Geodiversidad en el Ecuador´ (Register of Geological and Mining Heritage and its Incidence in the Defense and Preservation of Geodiversity in Ecuador), with code: CIPAT-01-2018;
  3. Gestión y Evaluación de la Investigación Científica en Ciencias de la Tierra, Economía, Administración y sus vínculos con la sociedad (Management and Evaluation of Scientific Research in Earth Sciences Economy, Administration and its links with society), with code No. CIPAT-7-2022;
  4. Siembra y Cosecha de Agua ante el COVID-19, Manglaralto 2022 (Sowing and Harvesting of Water before COVID-19, Manglaralto 2022), with code No. PG03-PY22-03;
  5. ´Desarrollar y Gestionar las Planicies Inundables en un Contexto Global (COSTEA)´ (Develop and Manage Floodplains in a Global Context), with code No. FCV-24-2021.


Geology Engineer at ESPOL Polytechnic University

Master student in Engineering Science for Water Resources Management

Employment: Research Intern at Centre of Research and Projects Applied to Earth Sciences
(CIPAT, acronym in Spanish)