Equipment & Laboratory Booking

GIWS offers reservable workspaces, laboratory workspace, lab equipment, field equipment, and rental trucks to our members and partners. Reservations can be made online via QReserve.

If you do not yet have access to the GIWS QReserve, please click below to request access via online form. 

Request GIWS QReserve Access

Booking with QReserve

Once you have been added as a user, you will be able to submit reservations on QReserve.

  • If your QReserve account uses your USask email or NSID, you will need to log in to QReserve with your USask credentials using the "USask QReserve Login" link below.
  • If your QReserve account does not use any USask credentials, you will need to log in to QReserve with a regular account using the "Non-USask QReserve Login" link below.

USask QReserve Login  Non-USask QReserve Login

After you sign in, the GIWS QReserve site will appear on your list of QReserve Sites. You can browse our resources from that site.

Please note, in order to have reservation rights to a resource, you must have the valid credentials and meet the criteria for that resource. To learn more about a resource, click on the name to find any required credentials and specific contact information for that resource.