Mohammad Mahaninia
Professor, Cestar College of Business, Health and TechnologyAcademic Background
Mohammad recieved his M.Sc. degree from the department of chemistry, University of Saskatchewan under the supervision of Dr. Lee Wilson. Before starting his studies at the University of Saskatchewan, he earned another master degree in applied chemistry. After graduation, Mohammad served as a research assistant for several departments including chemistry and chemical engineering. His research focus has been the application of synthesized biopolymers or biomass as adsorbents for purification and remediation of water.
Research Keywords and Interests
- Water purification
- Adsorption process
- Phosphate/arsenate removal
- Polymer modification
- Biomass treatment
Journal Publications
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Lee D. Wilson, "A kinetic uptake study of roxarsone using cross-linked chitosan beads" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, DOI: 10.1021/asc.iecr.6b04412
Leila Dehabadi, Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Majid Soleimani, Lee D. Wilson, "Misanthus biomass for the sustainable fractionation of ethanol-water mixtures" ASC Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02564
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Lee D. Wilson, "Phosphate uptake studies of cross-linked chitosan bead materials" journal of colloid and interface science, 2017, 485, 201-212.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Lee D. Wilson, "Modular Cross-Linked Chitosan Beads with Calcium Doping for Enhanced Adsorptive Uptake of Organophosphate Anions" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (45), 11706-11715.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Lee D. Wilson, "Applications of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for chirality recognition: Mini-Review" Asian Chemistry Letters, 2016, 20 (1&2), 1-11.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Lee D. Wilson, "Cross-linked chitosan beads for phosphate removal from aqueous solution" Journal of applied polymer science, 2015, 485, 201-212.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Tahereh Kaghazchi, Mansooreh Soleimani, Paria Rahimian, Ali Esdfandiari, "Pre-oxidation effect on ammoxidation of activated carbon and its influence on Cu(II) adsorption" Desalination and water treatment, 2016, 57 (10), 4597-4605.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Paria Rahimian, Tahereh Kaghazchi, "Modified activated carbons with amino groups and their Copper adsoprtion properties of aqueous solution" Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 21 (1), 50-56.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Tahereh Kaghazchi, Mansooreh Soleimanim "Immobilization of Beta-Cyclodextrin onto the Activated carbon" International Review of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 6, 73-76.
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Ali Esfandiari, Tahereh Kaghazchi, Neda Asasian, "Effect of pre-oxidation for introduction of nitrogen containing functional groups into the structure of activated carbons and its influence onto Cu (II) adsorption" Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012, 43, 736-740.
Conference proceeding:
Mohammad H. Mahaninia, Tahereh Kaghazchi, Neda Asasian, "Effect of pre-oxidized and reduced activated carbon for p-nitrophenol removal" Proceedings International Porous and Powder Materials Symposim and Exhibition, 3-6 September 2013, Izmir, Turkey. pp. 443-448. 2013, Uc Adam Prinitng House, Izmir, Tureky. ISBN: 978-975-6590-05-8
Dhabhai, R., Mahaninia, M., Yan, B., Niu, C.H., Dalai, A. K. 2016. Drying of Nitrogen in a pressure swing adsoprtion process using canola meal biosorbent. 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, October 16-19, 2016, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
Mahaninia, M.H., and Wilson, L.D. 2016. Cross-linked chitosan beads doped with calcium for organophospate removal from aqueous solution, 2016 World Water Day conference, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Mahaninia, M.H., and Wilson, L.D. 2015. Cross-linked Chitosan Beads for Phosphate Anion Removal, 2015 University of Saskatchewan, Graduate Students Symposium, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Mahaninia, M.H., and Wilson, L.D. 2015. Modified hitsan Beads with Different Cross-linkers for Phosphate Removal from Aqueous Solution, 2015 Green Chemistry Applied in Industry - A Symposium by GCI at UofT, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Mahaninia, M.H., Kaghazchi, T., Soleimani, M. 2013. Application of oxidized and reduced activated carbon for para-nitrophenol removal. International porous and power materials symposium and exhibition, September 3rd-6th 2013, Turkey (Poster).
Mahaninia, M.H., Kaghazchi, T., Soleimani, M. 2013. Immobilization of Beta-Cyclodextrin onto the Activated carbon. 5th International Conference on Chemical Engineering, November 11h - 25th 2013, Italy (presenter).