Global Institute for Water Security

Academic Background

Currently, Sujata is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Saskatchewan and Yukon College. At the University of Saskatchewan, she is conducting research on integrating traditional knowledge into hydroelectric resource management, partnered with the Yukon Energy Corporation. And in the Yukon College, she is working on a water strategy development project for the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations' Traditional Territory in Yukon. Sujata has extensive work experience in climate change adapation/mitigation, water resources management and community based development in mountainous regions of Nepal, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan and Sri Lanka. Prior to joining the above positions, she worked as a research fellow on climate change adaptation and water resources management at Mountain Societies Research Institute-Univeristy of Central Asia in Krgyzstan; Center of Research for Environment, Energy and Water in Nepal; Tohoku University and International Research Centre for River Basin Environment - University of Yamanashi in Japan; and Kunming Institute of Botany - Chinese Academy of Sciences in China. She received a Ph.D. in Integrated River Basin Management from the University of Yamanashi, Japan and masters in Natural Resource Management from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.

Research Keywords

  • Community-based and Integrated Water Management
  • Water Poverty
  • Indigenous Knowledge Integration in Water Management
  • Water Education 
  • Climate Change Adaptation



Manandhar, S., Xenarios, S. Schmidt-Vogt D Hergarten C. and Foggin, M. (2018). Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Mountain Societies in Central Asia, Research Report 1, Mountain Societies Research Institute, University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Krgyzstan

Manandhar S., Pratoomchai W. Ono K. Kazama S. Komori D. (2015). Local people's perceptions of climate change and related hazards in mountainous areas of northern Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 11:47-59

Udmale, P.D., Ichikawa, I., Manandhar, S., Ishidaira, H., Kiem, A.S., Showei, N. and Panda, S.N. (2015). How did the 2012 drought affect rural livelihoods in vulnerable areas? Empirical evidence from India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. DOI. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2015.08.002

Pratoomchai W., Kazama S., Manandhar S., Ekkawatpanit C., Saphaokham S., Komori D., Thongduang J. (2015). Sharing of people's perceptions of past and future hydro-meteorological changes in the groundwater use area. Water Resources Management DOI 10.1007/ s11269-015-1030-y

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F. (2014). Assessing suitability of apple cultivation under climate change in mountainousregions of western Nepal. Regional Environmental Change 14: 743-756

Udmale P., Shrestha S., Ichikawa Y., Manandhar S. (2014). Assessing groundwater resource and its sustainability in drought prone area of India. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.58

Udmale P., Ichikawa Y. Manandhar S. Ishidaira H. Kiem A.S. (2014). Farmers' perception of drought impacts, local adaptationand administrative mitigation measures in Maharastra State, India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 10 Part A: 250-269

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F. (2013). Climate change and adaptation: an integrated framework linking social andphysical aspects in poorly gauged regions. Climatic Change 120 (4): 727-739

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Ishidaira H.,Kazama F. (2013). Perturbation study of climate change impacts in a snow-fed river basin. Hydrological Processes 27: 3461-3474

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F. (2012). Hydro-climatic trends and peoples' perceptions: a case study of Kali Gandaki River Basin (KGRB), Nepal. Climate Research 54:167-179

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F. (2012). Application of Water Poverty Index (WPI) in Nepalese context: a case study of Kali Gandaki River Basin (KGRB). Water Resources Management 26(1): 89-107

Pandey V.P., Manandhar S., Kazama F. (2012). Water Poverty Situation of Medium-sized River Basins in Nepal. Water Resources Management 26: 2475-2489

Mananadhar S.,Vogt D.S., Perret S.R., Kazama F. (2011). Adapting cropping systems to climate change in Nepal: a cross-regional study of farmers' perception and practices. Regional Environmental Change 11: 335-348

Book Chapters

Manandhar S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F., Kazama S. (2014). Economics of climate change. In: Shrestha, S., Babel, M.S., Pandey, V.P. (Eds.) Climate Change and Water Resources, 153-182,CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Pandey V.P., Manandhar S., Kazama F. (2014). Climate change vulnerability assessment. In: Shrestha, S., Babel, M.S., Pandey, V.P. (Eds.) Climate Change and Water Resources, 183-208, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Manandhar S., Vogt D.S., Pandey V.P., Kazama F. (2013). Religion, indigenous knowledge and climate change in a Mountain region: a case study of Thini Village, Mustang, Nepal. In: Haluza-Delay, R., Szasz, A., Veldman, R.G. (Eds.) How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change: Social Scientific Investigations, 37-46, Routledge Publishing

Yufang S., Lu J., Manandhar S., Ahmad A., Xu J. (2013). Policy and Institutions in Adaptation to Climate Change: Case study on tree crop diversity in China, Nepal and Pakistan. ICIMOD Working Paper 2013/3.Kathmandu: ICIMOD

Lu J., Yufang S., Manandhar S., Ahmad A. (2012). Tree crops as an adaptation to climate variability: Cases in China, Nepal and Pakistan. In Pradhan, N.S., Khadgi, V. R., Schipper, L., Kaur, N., Geoghegan, T. (Eds.), Role of Policy and Institutions in Local Adaptation to Climate Change- Case studies on responses to too much and too little water in the Hindu Kush Himalayas. Kathmandu: ICIMOD