Terry Fonstad
Associate Vice-President Research (Ethics and Infrastructure)Professor, College of Engineering, Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering
Academic Background
Terrance Fonstad received a M.Sc. (1996) in Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, where he completed research that is the basis for the current Saskatchewan Agricultural Operations legislation for the protection of surface and groundwater. He was appointed to the faculty of the College of Engineering in July of 1996 with responsibility to assist developing environmental engineering research and programming within the College. In 1997, he initiated a Ph.D. program to further understand the risk intensive livestock facilities to groundwater resources. Terrance completed the Ph.D. program while working at the Assistant Professor level and developing a research program in environmental engineering which was able to attract over $1 million in funding within the first 7 years. He was awarded tenure in 2002 and awarded a Ph.D. in August of 2004.
Dr. Fonstand's research program has continued to focus on environmental protection and waste utilization. He has contributed to several major building projets on campus including environmental lead on the new Beef Cattle Research and Teaching unit. He also serves as the Engineering Building Renewal and Expansion Committee at the College and University levels. Major academic responsibilities include the chair of the Environmental Engineering program.
Research Keywords and Interests
- Ion exhange assoiated with groundwater transport
- Groundwater protection through siting and design of storage facilities
- Livestock
- Waste
- Nutrients
- Mass Mortalities
- Water ultization
Town, J.R., Links, M.G., Fonstad, T.A., and Dumonceaux, T. (2014). Molecular Characterization of Anaerobic Digester Microbial Communities Identifies Microorganisms That Coreelate to Reactor Performance, Bioresource Technology, 151, 249-257, January 2014. Available online at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096085241301657X
Town, J.R., Annad, H., Pratt, D., Dumonceaux, T. and Fonstad, T. (2014). Microbial Community Composition is Consistent Across Anaerobic Digesters Processing Wheat-Based Fuel Ethanol Waste Streams, Bioresource Technology, 157, 127-133, April 2014. Available online at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960852414000996
Alotaibi, K., Shoneau, J.J. and Fonstad, T. (2013). Possible utilization of ash from meat and bbone meal dried distillers grain distillers grains gasification as a phosphorus fertilizer: Crop growth response and changes in soil chemical properties, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13(6, June 2013), 1024-1031. Available online at: www.engineeringvillage.com
Pratt, D.L., Dumonceaux, T.J., Links, M.G., and Fonstad, T.A. (2012). Influence of Mass Burial of Animal arcasses on the Types and Quantities of Microorganisms within a Bruial Site, Transactions of he ASABE, 55(6), 2195-2212, Available online at: elibrary.asabe.org
Soni, C.G., Dalai, A.K., Pugsley, T. and Fonstad, T.A. 2011. Steam Gasification of Meat and Bone Meal in Two-Stage Fixed Bed Reactor System. Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. Volume 6, Issue 1, 71-77, January/February 2011 (Article first published online: May 20, 2010)
Soni, C.G., Z. Wang, A.K., Dalai, T. Pugsley and T. Fonstad. 2009. Hydrogren production via gasifiation of meat and bone meal in two-stage fixed bed reactor system. Fuel, Vol.88, Issue 5, May 2009, 920-925.
Lague, C., E. Gaudet, J. Agnew and T.A Fonstad. 2005. Greenhouse gas emissions from liquid swine manure storage facilities in Saskatchewan, Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, v 48, n 6, November/December, 2005, p 2289-2296.
Fonstand, T. A., Meier, D. E., Ingram, L. J. and Leonard, J. "Evaluation and Demonstration of Composting as an Option for Dead Animal Management in Saskatchewan." Canadian Biosystems Engineering, Vol 45, 2003. P6.19-6.25.
Maule, C. P. and T.A. Fonstad. 2002. Solute and Moisture Flux Beneath Cattle Feedlot Pens". Transcations of American Society of Agricultural Engineering 45 (1):73-81.
Maule, C. P. and T.A. Fonstad. 2000. Impacts of cattle penning on groundwater quality beneath feedlots. Canadian Agricultural Engineering. 42 (2): 87-94.
Maule, C. P., T.A. Fonstad, S.L., Vanapalli, and G. Majumdar. 2000. Hydraulic Conductivity Reduction Due to Ponded Hog Manure. Canadian Agricultural Engineering. 42 (4): 157-163.