Global Institute for Water Security

Academic Background

Veronica Pedinotti graduated from a French engineering school which gave her a solid background in mathematics, fluid mechanics and modelling. After several internships in oceanography, she decided to move onto the hydrological field to pursue her studies and completed a PhD in hydrological modelling in Meteo-France, in Toulouse. During this PhD, Vanessa's main focus was to provide a coupled modelling-assimilation framework that can be used in large scale hydrological applications in remote areas. The interest area was the Niger river basin which is one of the largest basins in the world which is facing extreme challenges due to climate change. This PhD was done in the framework of the SWOT satellite mission project, which aims to provide data of discharge and water levels with high resolution coverage.

Research Keywords and Interests

  • Large scale applications
  • Modelling 
  • Climate change
  • Hydrological processes
  • Sustainability
  • Prediction of change


Pedinotti V., A. Boone, B. Decharme, J.-F. Cretaux, N. M. Mognard, G. Panthou, F. Papa and B. A. Tanimoun. Evaluation of the ISBA-TRIP contintental hydrologic system over the Niger basin using in situ and satellite derived datasets. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 16, pp. 1745-1773, 2012,

Pedinotti, V., Boone, A., Ricci, S., Biancamaria, S., and Mognard, N.: Assimilation of satellite data to optimize large-scale hydrological model paraneters: a case study for the SWOT mission, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 4485-4507, doi:10.5194/hess-184485-2014, 2014. 

C. Casse, M. Gosset, C. Peugeot, V. Pedinotti, A. Boone, B.A. Tanimounm, B. Decharme. Potential of satellite rainfall producs to predict Niger River flood events in Niamy Atmospheric Research, Volume 163, 15 September 2015, Pages 162-176.