Women Plus Water 2024 Lecture Series - Lecture 1

Women Plus Water Lecture Series

UN SDG 6: Women and the Water SDG

Join host Dr. Ginette Azcona as she talks with guests Dr. Sherry Pictou and Professor Joyashree Roy about their perspectives on the challenges and progress towards achieving the UN SDG 6: ensure access to water and sanitation for all. The conversation will include perspectives from Indigenous communities in Canada and internationally, as well as from the Global South.

Thursday, January 11, 2024
10:30 -11:30 am CST
Online (Zoom)

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Women Plus Water


  • Dr. Ginette Azcona
    Research and Data Policy Specialist, UN Women


  • Dr. Sherry Pictou
    Associate Professor of Law and Management, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Governance, Dalhousie University
  • Professor Joyashree Roy
    Director, SMARTS, Asian Institute of Technology

More Info

Dr. Ginette Azcona
Ms. Ginette Azcona is a Senior Policy Specialist at UN Women. She manages the data and statistics for UN Women’s flagship reports, including Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot. A feminist researcher with over 15 years of experience, she is a champion of better data, evidence and knowledge to advance a more equal, peaceful and inclusive societies. Ginette has authored numerous publications on human development, human rights, social justice and gender and development data, and is UN Women’s leading focal point on gender, data and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She holds graduate degrees in International Development and Economics from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University and in Public Administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University.

Dr. Sherry Pictou
Dr. Sherry Pictou is a Mi'kmaw woman from L'sɨtkuk (water cuts through high rocks) known as Bear River First Nation, Nova Scotia. She is an Associate Professor in the Faculties of Law and Management (Public and International Affairs) at Dalhousie University. Dr. Pictou holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Governance and is a Co-Principal Investigator in a New Frontiers Research Fund (NFRF) grant: Ărramăt: Biodiversity Conservation and the Health and Well-being of Indigenous Peoples (2022). She also serves as the District Chief for the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq. Dr. Pictou served on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Task Force on Indigenous and Local Knowledge 2019-2023. Dr. Pictou is also a former Chief for her community and the former Co-Chair of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples. Her research interests include decolonizing treaty relations, Social Justice for Indigenous Women, Indigenous Women's role in food, lifeways, and fishery livelihoods, and gender roles in Indigenous governance.

Professor Joyashree Roy
Joyashree Roy is currently the Founder Director of the Centre on South and South East Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South and the Inaugural Bangabandhu Chair Professor (2018-2022, July) at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. She is also the Honorary Professor at Centre for Disaster and Research at IIT-Guwahati, India. She is the Founding advisor of the two multi-year projects at Jadavpur University: Global Change Programme and SYLFF-JU programme. She is the former Professor of Economics in Jadavpur University, India. She is a national fellow of the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR). She was a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at LBNL, Berkeley, USA. She is the recipient of the 2021 Paradigm award of The Breakthrough Institute,USA. She was in IPCC-2007 Nobel Peace Prize winning panel and continues as Coordinating Lead Author in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth assessment cycles of WGIII of IPCC. IPCC is also the co-sharer of Gulbenkian Prize 2022. She has been a chapter author of Global Energy Assessment, has been associated with the Stern Review Report and many other global and National, Subnational Reports. She is in the winning team of 2012 Prince Sultan Bin Aziz creativity award for water. She has published more than 165 peer reviewed journal articles, authored and edited books. She is in the Steering/advisory committee of several national and International science-policy interactive platforms and in editorial boards of many international journals. Her research interests are: Resource and Environmental Economics, Economics of Pollution and Climate Change, Modeling industrial and other sectoral energy demand, Economy-wide modeling exercises for deriving policy implications, Water quality demand modeling, Water, Energy, Carbon pricing, Sustainable development, Natural resource accounting, Valuing environmental services, Developmental and environmental issues relevant for informal sectors, Coastal Ecosystem service valuation. She features in the documentary Juice: How Electricity Explains the World which explains among other things how developing countries are trying to bring people out of the dark and to the lights and transforming lives.

Event Details

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM CST