Living Water: Saskatchewan River Water Walk

Summer 2021

The Global Institute for Water Security is a proud supporter of Living Water: Saskatchewan River Water Walk. For approximately two months over the Summer of 2021, Water Walkers will walk 1,900 kms in a Ceremony emerging from the Midewiwin for the Water & for all of life.

What is a Water Walk?

From the Saskatchewan River Water Walk 2021 Facebook page:

"A Water Walk is an Anishinaabe Ceremony emerging from the Midewiwin Tradition to raise awareness of the water as a living entity. Water is precious and of the most basic elements needed for all life to exist. nîpîy/Nibi is one of our many relatives with whom we have a reciprocal relationship. Like our Indigenous Ancestors, we move our bodies in Ceremony to articulate that relationship and to protect the Beings who sustain us for future generations. Carrying nîpîy/Nibi connects Kwewag on a profound spiritual level and for the Niniwag, the Staff helps them to know their roles as protectors. Traditionally, women, because of their ability to carry life, carry the Copper Vessel and those who identify as men carry the Eagle Water Staff although if there are not enough men, the Grandmothers or 2 Spirits can step in to do their role."

"When we are walking for the water, we are in an Anishinaabe Ceremony from the beginning of the day until day's end. We move like water, continuously all day long, every day until we reach our destination. We carry asemaa/tobacco with us to offer to any flowing streams or rivers we cross, and to honor any animals we may cross over along the roads or trails. When we walk, this is a time for prayer or songs for the water."

"Women make offerings for the water, sing water songs and make petitions for our water to be pure and clean and continuously flow down to us. Because we are in a specific Anishinaabe Ceremony, women wear long skirts and men long pants to show our respect for our Grandmothers, for Mother Earth and for ourselves."


The Saskatchewan River Route

The following is the planned route for the Saskatchewan River Water Walk 2021:


  1. Start: Saskatchewan Crossing, AB
  2. Kootenay Plains
  3. Rocky Mountain House
  4. Red Deer
  5. Ponoka
  6. Wetaskiwin
  7. Camrose
  8. Viking
  9. Vermillion
  10. Lloydminster


  1. Maidstone
  2. Battleford
  3. Blaine Lake
  4. Leask
  5. Shellbrook
  6. Prince Albert
  7. Smeaton
  8. Nipawin


  1. The Pas
  2. Easterville
  3. Finish: Grand Rapids

Be sure to follow @SKriverwaterwalk on Facebook to get more updates!