Kim Janzen
Technician / Isotope Lab- Address
- Department of Soil Science and GIWS
- 2006-2008: MSc in Physical Geography at University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- 2000-2006: BSc in Geography at University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Work Experience
- 2022-present: Lab Manager, Department of Soil Science (College of Ag&Bio Res) and Hillslope Hydrology (Global Insititute for Water Security)
- 2014-2022: Lab Manager & Isotope Technician, University of Saskatchewan (Global Institute for Water Security)
- 2012-2014: Research Associate joint position with the University of Saskatchewan (Geography) and Environment Canada
Millar, C., K. Janzen, M. F. Nehemy, G. Koehler, Pedro Hervé-Fernández, H. Wang, N. Orlowski, A. Barbeta, J. J. McDonnell, 2022. On the urgent need for standardization in isotope-based ecohydrological investigations. Hydrological Procesess, Scientific Briefing, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14698.
Millar, C., K. Janzen, M. F. Nehemy, G. Koehler, P. Hervé-Fernández, J. J. McDonnell, 2021. Organic contamination detection of isotopic analysis of water by laser spectroscopy. Rapid Comm. in Mass Spec., https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.9118.
Nehemy M. F., C. Millar, K. Janzen, M. Gaj, D. L. Pratt, C. P. Laroque, J. J. McDonnell. 2019. 17O-excess as a detector for co-extractd organics in vapor analyses of plant isotope signatures. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.8470
Evans M., Davies M., Janzen K., Muir D., Hazewinkel R., Kirk J., and de Boer D. 2016. PAH distributions in sediments in the oil sands monitoring area and western Lake Athabasca: Concentration, composition and diagnostic ratios. Environmental Pollution. 213, 671-687. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.03.014
Janzen K.F., and C.J. Westbrook. 2011. Hyporheic flows along a channelled peatland: influence of beaver dams. Canadian Journal of Water Resources 36(4), 331-347. DOI: 10.4296/crwj3604846
Conference Presentations
- 2019 Solid versus split septa caps for use with stable isotopes lab standards and samples, ASITA 2019 (Poster)
- 2013 Community and scientific monitoring of Great Slave Lake water quality, NCP 20th Anniversary Results Workshop (Poster)
- 2013 Community and scientific monitoring of the Greate Slave Lake ecosystem, North West Territories Cumulative Impact Monitoring, Results Workshop (Presentation)
- 2008 Hyperheic flow in a mountain riverine system, Canadain Geophysical Union (CGU) (Poster)
- 2008 Hyperheic flow in a mountain riverine system, CGU-Hydrology Section (HS), Western Student Conference (Presentation)
- 2007 Hyperheic flow through a peat dominated wetland, CGU-HS, Western Student Conference (Presentation)