Primary Logo
Our logo represents GIWS, not only it's people and values but our innovative research on water security. The official primary GIWS logo with text should be the first choice when using a logo to represent GIWS.
All logo's are available in CMYK or pantone and black or white.
The logo guidelines below must be followed by all university personnel anytime a logo is used to represent the university, and are governed by the USask Policy on Commercial and Non-Commercial Use of the University Trademark (4.04.01/4.04.02), as well as the USask Policy on Logo and Secondary Logo Use.
Horizontal Primary Logo
Stacked Primary Logo
Standard Primary Logo
(White text for use on dark backgrounds)

Acronym Logo
The acronym can be used on its own where applicable, such as internal documents and posters.



C100 / M79 / Y20 / K5
R16 / G75 / B134
C1 / M16 / Y99 / K4
R255 / G210 / B4
C38 / M0 / Y16 / K0
R154 / G215 / B217
C41 / M0 / Y82 / K0
R161 / G206 / B94
Black & White Logo Variations

Secondary Logo
When there is a need to be more specific in the use of a logo, there is a variation of the primary USask logo - the secondary logo - that should be used. This approved system specifies GIWS while also maintaining the relationship with the university and its brand.
Use the official USask secondary logo on all presentations.
When size restrictions prohibit this requirement - such as a pen or other small usage - include the text "USASK" to ensure a connection to the university.
Full Color Version
Secondary Logo with GIWS Logo
Black and White
Accompanying Visuals
Accompanying visuals will be used to provide a unique look, of a topical subject matter for text to be applied overtop. For example, a topographic map represents the technology side of the water research and works perfectly with the shot-from-above photography.
Click below for a flickr album of photos taken by UAV at research sites across Canada used by GIWS, GWF, and partner universities. Many thanks to GIWS staff and the Smart Water Systems Lab folks! These images make excellent backgrounds and are available for free.