World Water Day @ USask

Please join us on UN World Water Day (March 22) to celebrate the exceptional water-related research happening at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and beyond. The event will include a keynote presentation on global transboundary water issues and a panel discussion on challenges and opportunities related to drought and water cooperation in Saskatchewan. There will also be an opportunity to view posters submitted by students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers studying diverse water-related topics at USask. All are welcome to attend.

The keynote and panel discussion portions of the event will also be available for viewing on Zoom - if you plan on attending virtually, please register here.

Refreshments will be served. Any questions or accommodation requests can be emailed to

In-Person Registration   Zoom Registration 

Friday, March 22, 2024
1:30 - 5:00 PM (CST)

Convocation Hall, University of Saskatchewan
120 Peter MacKinnon Building, 107 Administration Place, Saskatoon, SK
Online (Zoom)


(All times in Central Standard Time)

1:15-1:30 PM Arrival by audience
1:30-1:40 PM Welcome
Baljit Singh, Vice-President Research, USask
Michelle Watson, Water Keeper, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak
Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Executive Director, GIWS
1:40-1:45 PM Special Welcome and Introduction to International Year of Glaciers' Preservation 2025
Robert (Bob) Sandford, United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
1:45-2:30 PM Keynote
Transboundary water issues globally: Challenges and opportunities for collaboration
Prof. Melissa McCracken, Tufts University
2:30-2:45 PM Coffee
2:45-3:45 PM

Panel Discussion
Challenges and opportunities related to drought and water cooperation in Saskatchewan
Chair: Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Executive Director GIWS

  • Shawn Jaques, President and CEO, Water Security Agency
  • Bridget Andrews, Executive Director, Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds
  • Angela Bedard-Haughn, Dean and Professor, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, USask
  • Chris Spence, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Terry Fonstad, Farmer and Associate Vice-President Research (Ethics and Infrastructure), USask
  • Anthony Blair Dreaver Johnston, Special Advisor, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak
3:45-5:00 PM Poster viewing and social hour

In-Person Registration  Zoom Registration

Code of Conduct

The Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS) is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and accessible space for everyone. By adhering to the principles in this Code of Conduct, participants will actively nurture a healthy environment and lead by example. The GIWS Code of Conduct requires participants of this event to:

  1. Treat people with dignity and respect in accordance with the principle of Manācihitowin: a Cree/Michif phrase that translates to "let us respect each other".
  2. Respect the rules and policies of the University of Saskatchewan including the University of Saskatchewan"s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy -
  3. Act with integrity and honesty and take personal responsibility for behaviour and conduct.
  4. Demonstrate respect for others by practicing active listening skills, respecting views and perspectives that may be different than your own, respecting time limits, and remaining on topic.

There will be no tolerance for any behavior that is considered by participants to be racist, sexist, ableist, harassment, bullying, threatening, violent, or aggressive in nature. Formal complaints of discrimination or harassment must be submitted to the University of Saskatchewan"s Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Services or local authorities. To learn more about reporting procedures or report a complaint of discrimination or harassment contact:

University of Saskatchewan
     Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Services (DHPS)  
     Phone: (306) 966-4936  

Other violations of this code of conduct during the event may be reported to the Executive Director of the Global Institute for Water Security.

     Dr. Corinne Schuster-Wallace
     Executive Director Global Institute for Water Security
     Phone: 306-966-2103

Poster Session and Submission Information

Submissions are open to USask undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral fellows/researchers, and other researchers and staff who are within 5 years of their last degree and are researching topics related to water. Space is limited.

Abstract Deadline and Word Limit
Poster abstract submissions have now closed.

Water Themes
Posters can be submitted to one of the following three themes:

  • Water and the environment: topics exploring water in the natural environment, such as hydrological processes, water quality, and the impact of water availability on various ecological components.
  • Water and society: topics exploring the intricate relationships between water resources and people, communities, or sectors.
  • Water and ... everything else: any water-related topics that do not align with the first two themes above.

Please ensure you select the appropriate category that represents your research (see Question 7 in Poster Submission Form).

Poster Guidelines

  • Posters must not exceed dimensions of 27" wide by 36" tall.
  • Layout and design of the poster within the maximum dimensions are at the submitter's discretion.
  • Poster content must be clear and easily understood by a diverse audience.

Poster Prizes
The Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS) is sponsoring prizes for the best posters for each of the three water themes (listed above). Individuals can opt out of being considered for a prize (see Question 8 in Poster Submission Form). Judging will be conducted by the GIWS Executive and Associate Directors and based on the following criteria:

  • Appearance and structure
  • Clarity

Please note that poster printing and the associated costs are the responsibility of the submitter.
Please email any questions to

Event Details

01:30 PM - 05:00 PM CST
Convocation Hall, University of Saskatchewan