Global Institute for Water Security

Water, Health, and Inequities

Picture of  Alexey Shevyakov

Alexey Shevyakov PhD

USask Affiliation: Mathematics and Statistics


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Mathematical modelling
  • Fluid and solid mechanics
  • Complex flows
  • Exact and numerical solution of partial differential equations
  • Symbolic and numerical scientific computation
  • Global optimization

Picture of  Allana Santos

Allana Santos BSc
Graduate Student

USask Affiliation: Geography and Planning

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Groundwater quality
  • Private well stewardship
  • Mixed methods - interdisciplinary research

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  César Pedrosa Soares

César Pedrosa Soares BSc, MSc, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

USask Affiliation: Department of Geography and Planning


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Coupled human-water systems
  • Socioenvironmental justice
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Agent-Based Model (ABM)

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Chantal Corriveau

Chantal Corriveau
MES Student

USask Affiliation: School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  Corinne Schuster-Wallace

Corinne Schuster-Wallace PhD
Executive Director

USask Affiliation: Global Institute for Water Security; Department of Geography and Planning

Profile Additional Website

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Coupled Human-Water Systems
  • Local Water Security for Health
  • Water, Disease, and Climate Change
  • Water for Equitable and Sustainable Development

Picture of  Deysi Julieta Venegas Garcia

Deysi Julieta Venegas Garcia
PhD Student

USask Affiliation: Chemistry

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Water treatment
  • Materials

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  Duc Hai Nguyen

Duc Hai Nguyen PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

USask Affiliation: Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Hydrology
  • Machine learning applied in hydrological problems
  • Uncertainty quantification
  • Radar rainfall

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Elliott Skierszkan

Elliott Skierszkan PhD
Adjunct Professor

Primary Affiliation: Carleton University
USask Affiliation: Geological Sciences

Additional Website

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Hydrogeology
  • Groundwater geochemistry
  • Permafrost
  • Mining

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Eunice Salubi

Eunice Salubi PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

USask Affiliation: Department of Geography and Planning; Global Institute for Water Security


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Water quality and water-related diseases
  • Climate change and health
  • Spatial analysis of disease patterns and determinants

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Joyce Lutterodt

Joyce Lutterodt MSc

USask Affiliation: Environment and Sustainability

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Science

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  Katy Nugent

Katy Nugent BSc
Lab Manager and Field Technician

USask Affiliation: Global Water Futures Observatories


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Lab Manager for the Saskatchewan Water Chemistry and Ecology Laboratory
  • Student training and project development
  • Usask Safety liaison with GIWS and Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Field technician for the Buffalo Pound and Cumberland House buoy systems, and other water based field equipment/sensors
  • Data management of all buoy and lab output

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Kerry McPhedran

Kerry McPhedran MSc, PhD

USask Affiliation: Civil, Geological & Environmental Engineering

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Municipal wastewater
  • Industrial wastewater
  • Stormwater
  • Indigenous water-related issues

Picture of  Kim Janzen

Kim Janzen MSc

USask Affiliation: GIWS/Soil Science


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Isotope labs

Picture of  Krishna Kolen

Krishna Kolen
Graduate Student

USask Affiliation: Geography and Planning

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Drought-induced poor air quality
  • Climate change
  • Environmental health
  • Indigenous/First Nations health
  • Rural/remote/marginalized/tribal communities
  • Mixed methods/participatory research
  • Health impacts

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  Krystopher Chutko

Krystopher Chutko PhD
Assistant Professor

USask Affiliation: Department of Geography and Planning


Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Hydrology
  • Meteorology
  • Education

Picture of  Marlene Evans

Marlene Evans BSc (Hon), PhD
Research Scientist

Primary Affiliation: National Hydrology Research Institute, ECCC
USask Affiliation: Environment and Climate Change Canada. Adjunct in Biology

Profile Additional Website

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Conducting research on the distribution, fate and bioaccumulation of persistent organic contaminants in the environment with a focus on mercury and persistent organic contaminants in western and northern Canada
  • Studies in the oil sands area with a focus on PAHs and mercury in fish.
  • Studies of mercury in lakes around major emitters in western Canada
  • Consideration of climate change in affecting mercury trends
  • Working with northern communities in delivery of studies and meeting their interests
  • Past work on zooplankton in saline prairie lakes

Picture of  Merle Massie

Merle Massie PhD
Professional Research Associate

USask Affiliation: Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Profile Additional Website

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Health and place
  • Rural and environmental studies
  • Knowledge mobilization
  • Research project management
  • Events

Picture of  Oghenemise Abirhire

Oghenemise Abirhire PhD

Primary Affiliation: Environmental Consulting

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Limnology and phytoplankton dynamics in lakes

Current Young Researcher

Picture of  Ravi Vinasithamby

Ravi Vinasithamby MSc

USask Affiliation: School of Environment and Sustainability

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Groundwater
  • Water quality
  • Modeling

Current Graduate Student

Picture of  Tharaka Aravinda Jayalath

Tharaka Aravinda Jayalath MSc
Graduate Student - PhD

USask Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Research Areas / Major Roles

  • Water Economics
  • Resource Economics
  • Ecosystem service valuation

Current Graduate Student