GIWS Director speaks on Canada 150
Howard Wheater discusses what Canada means to him in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary.
Howard Wheater, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Water Security and the Director of the Global Institute for Water Security, recently spoke on what Canada means to him in 150 words. The piece was published by CERC in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary.
Here's what he had to say:
"For me, Canada has been a land of unprecedented opportunity. Canada faces some of the highest rates of warming in the world; with retreating glaciers, thawing permafrost, changing precipitation patterns and river flows, and damaging extreme events. We have some of the world’s largest lakes, but water quality is degrading under the increasing influence of human activities. Developing the science needed to understand, predict and manage these changes is an exciting challenge. To address it, Canada has provided me with extraordinary scientific freedom and research support to make a real difference both nationally and globally. CERC funding helped build a world-class institute at the University of Saskatchewan, which in turn led to the largest water science research award in the world: the CFREF-supported Global Water Futures program. As a result of these unique opportunities, the world is now looking to Canada for leadership and expertise, and I am proud to have helped move this important research agenda forward."