USask, Meewasin collaborate to better serve community

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) and the Meewasin Valley Authority (Meewasin) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to increase strategic collaboration efforts on research, education and outreach projects between the two organizations.

“To be the university for the future, it is incumbent upon us to be connected to the communities we serve,” said USask President Peter Stoicheff. “This MOU will strengthen our long-standing relationship with Meewasin, while guiding us to be strategic and responsible about our community contributions.”

The formal relationship was reinforced on Wednesday at Meewasin’s first Valley Summit where the MOU virtual-signing took place. The areas of work stated in the agreement include: business and infrastructure planning, student experience, research, community outreach and marketing, and project collaboration.

“Meewasin and the university have been partners for 41 years,” said Meewasin Chief Executive Officer Andrea Lafond. “Solidifying the relationship and having a shared vision and plan on all touch points will serve our community well, now and into the future.”

The MOU establishes a working group with representation from both USask and Meewasin to further the collaborative efforts and complement the work already underway between the organizations.

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