GIWS Members Contribute Chapter to National Issues Report

Members of the Global Institute for Water Security have led the production of the Water Resources chapter in Natural Resource Canada's National Issues Report.

Global Institute for Water Security members Hayley Carlson and Alain Pietroniro were the coordinating lead authors for the Water Resources chapter in Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report. Led by Natural Resources Canada, this report provides a national perspective on how climate change is impacting our communities, environment and economy, and how we are adapting.

The Water Resources Chapter of the report examines the impacts of climate change on Canada’s water resources, including adaptation actions in the management of supply and demand, physical hazards, and water quality. The five key messages from the report include:

  1. Climate change creates risks for water resources
  2. Effective coordination across complex water systems enhances adaptation
  3. Adaptation is advancing through innovation and adaptive management
  4. It is vital to engage the public and build awareness about adaptation opportunities
  5. Water system vulnerability can be reduced through quality data and resilient design

Infographic: Why Canada Needs to Reinvest in WaterInfographic: Why Canada Needs to Reinvest in Water. Click to enlarge.

The full report can be found here, and the Water Resources chapter specifically can be read here.

The National Issues Report is part of Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, a "collaborative national assessment process led by Natural Resources Canada, which forms the foundation for the ambitious action we need to take as we develop Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy." Read the full news release about the National Issues Report here.