New research videos

View our latest videos discussing modelling and environmental research.

Toxicology: Water Quality

GIWS researchers at the Toxicology Centre discuss the centre's water quality modelling research that is improving our understanding of the profile of sediments in our water systems and their potential toxicity.

Toxicology - Urban Municipal Drainage

GIWS researchers at the Toxicology Centre discuss the centre's resarch into understanding how drinking and waste water water treatment processes affect aquatic species and the quality of water flowing through our communities.

Modelling Riverine Processes

Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt explains how the geomorphology of a river and hydro dams influence ice formation, water quality, fish habitat and other processes.

Prairie Hydrology

John Pomeroy and fellow researchers discuss the long history of hydrology research innovation at the U of S and its application to understanding prairie processes such as snow melt, flooding and drought.