News Update February 2016

GIWS 2014-15 progress report published; John Pomeroy looks forward to Canadian emissions in 2050; an astronaut visits GIWS researchers.



Article on Thailand Climate Extremes

Badrul Masud has had a paper, "Changes in climate extremes over North Thailand," published in Journal of Climatology. The article can be viewed in its entirety here.

Water Fingerprinting

A publication on water fingerprinting, a technique used to determine the age of water flowing through rivers, that features work from Jeff McDonnell has made the cover of Nature Geoscience magazine. The cover cane viewed here

Outdoor Water Use and Adaptation

Patricia Gober's latest publication has been released in the new edition of Water Resources Management. The research, Outdoor Water Use as an Adaptation Problem: Insights from North American Cities, is available in PDF format here.

Journal of Climate Dynamics

Howard Wheater, Elvis Asong and MN Haliq have had their research, "Multisite multivariate modeling of daily precipitation and temperature in the Canadian Prairie Provinces using Generalized Linear Models," published in the Journal of Climate Dynamics. 


Usask Research Update

U of S Vice-President Research Karen Chad has issued the campus's latest research update. The document can be viewed in its entirety here.

New GIWS Website

GIWS has launched its brand new website. Take a tour here and learn about everything the organization has to offer, browse its publications and peruse some of the research being accomplished by its staff and affiliates. 

GIWS Launches Modelling and Toxicology Video Series

GIWS has created a series of videos exploring topics in modelling and toxicology. Topics covered include:

Astronaut Visit

Astronaut David Saint-Jacques visited GIWS on February 9 hoping to learn more about Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt and other researchers' work using space-borne remote sensing for river ice characterization and modelling. He posed for a photo with (left-to-right) Karl, Fan Zhang, Hammad Javid, Prabin Rokaya and Thuan Chu.

Abstract Submission Request

Amin Haghnegahdar, Saman Razavi and Howard Wheater would like to cordially invite you to submit abstracts to their session on Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis at the upcoming CMOS-CGU 2016. The session can be found under Theme 11: Interdisciplinary.

Overseas Presentation

Jaivime Evaristo has been invited to present at the University of Singapore. His talk is titled Exploring the potential for Developing the Capacity to Do Isotope Research at the University of Singapore

Congratulations Saman!

Saman Razavi has been appointed to the prestigious position of Associate Editor with the Journal of Hydrology, one of the leading publications in its field. 

GIWS Students Awarded $1,000 prizes

Two GIWS PhD students were awarded $1000 USD prizes for their two-minute ‘Flash Freeze’ pitches for the Cryosphere Innovation Award for Students at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco on Dec 16 2015. Nikolas Aksamit focused on identifying the smallest eddies in alpine turbulence relevant to transporting snow, using a new Particle Tracking Velocimetry apparatus. Phillip Harder proposed to improve precision farming systems through high-resolution mapping of snow using the U of S System for Acoustic Sensing of Snow (SAS3) mounted on UAVs.

Water Chemistry Instagram

Britain Brenna has started an unofficial Instagram feed for Helen Baulch's Saskatchewan Water Chemistry and Ecology lab. Check out the photos and follow along here.

GIWS Associates Hosting Conference Session in Montpellier

Anthony Jakeman and Manuel Pulido-Velazquez are organizing a session for the 43rd International Association of Hydrologists Congress this September in Montpellier, France. The session will explore integrated socio-economic and biophysical modeling for groundwater and conjunctive use management.